Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Film Analysis American Honey By Andrea Arnold - 894 Words
The first thing I picked up in cinema class was that the size of the screen can play a huge role in the way the viewer experiences a film. American Honey by Andrea Arnold felt like one of those movies that was tailormade to be experienced to its full potential on the big screen. If I saw this movie at home on a smaller screen, there would be so many things that I would not be able to experience because of the limitation in screen size. Andrea Arnold uses the technique of viewing cinema as a window in order to provide a better experience and outlook for the audience. Using cinema as a window provides the viewers a special ocular access to whatever is going on throughout the film. This is usually a rectangular view which helps the†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, Arnold uses cinema as a window and creates an open film. It seemed like at any part of the movie you could turn the camera off, but the events that were going on would still occur and everything would still be the same in the diegetic world. This tells us Arnold created the diegetic world to be its own separate world where everything occurs according to the characters, it extends far beyond the limit of the image (Elsasser 18), it is not a world that is meant to be built just for the purpose of the movie. This is most evident in the final scene of the film where Star is in the lake and she jumps the screen goes still and the credits roll in. While I was watching the movie and this scene started I was expecting more to happen, but then Star’s image froze and then the credits came and I was shocked for a little bit, but realizing how Arnold set up this film and the techniques that she used it was not really a surprise. The sequence that occurred reminded to that of the ending scene in Mediterranea, it was the scene where Arnold tells the audience their role in the film is over and cuts off their access from the diegetic world. Even though the movie has ended it is made clear that the events going on in the film will still continue even though the camera stopped rolling. Another thing that I felt made the movie more complete was the use of theShow MoreRelatedFilm Analysis : American Honey By Andrea Arnold914 Words  | 4 Pageswas that the size of the screen can play a huge role in the way the viewer experiences a film. American Honey by Andrea Arnold felt like one of those movies that was tailor made to be experience d to its full potential on the big screen. If I saw this movie at home on a smaller screen, there would be so many things that I would not be able to experience because of the limitation on-screen size. Andrea Arnold uses the technique of viewing cinema as a window to give a better experience and outlookRead MoreSolution Manual, Test Bank and Instructor Manuals34836 Words  | 140 PagesMethod, 5th Edition_Daryl L. Logan (SM) A First Course in the Finite Element Method, SI Version, 5th Edition_ Daryl L. Logan (SM) A Framework for Marketing Management, 4E_Philip R Kotler,Kevin Lane Keller (TB) A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis,Brian Bradie (ISM) A Guide to International Financial Reporting Standards, 3rd Edition_Belverd E. Needles, Marian Powers (SM+TB) A Guide to Modern Econometrics, 4th Edition_Marno Verbeek (SM) A History of Modern Psychology, 10th Edition _ DuaneRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesthe issue is whether Americans prefer southern European food to northern European food, then the topic might be American taste preferences. weigh the pros and cons In deciding on taking an action, you weigh the pros and cons by looking at alternative actions that can be taken, then considering the probable good consequences of each action and the probable bad consequences while weighing the positive and negative impact of each consequence. It’s a kind of cost-benefit analysis. Exercises 1.Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesSenior Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Production Project Manager: Becca Groves Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Cathleen Petersen Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Art Director: Kenny Beck Text and Cover Designer: Wanda Espana OB Poll Graphics: Electra Graphics Cover Art: honey comb and a bee working / Shutterstock / LilKar Sr. Media Project Manager, Editorial: Denise Vaughn Media Project Manager, Production: Lisa Rinaldi Full-Service
Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay on Is College Worth our Time and Effort - 874 Words
In our society, many people can build different types of careers by holding various jobs in fields such as education, science, business, political, entertainment, and much more. However, there is one particular question that comes up when we look at those people holding jobs we aspire to have, â€Å"What did those people have to go through to get those jobs?†Those people probably earned a college degree to get their high-level job that requires years of learning and preparation to acquire, such as a doctor or a programmer. With colleges, students have a means of landing that dream job of theirs or maybe discover that they had a passion for a different kind of career instead. Although, many students have to endure years of stress and pressure†¦show more content†¦Throughout my childhood, I loved using my spare time to play video games and wind down from a tough day of school. Over the years, as I played more games, I started to look more into the gaming industry and t he development process for video games. Eventually, when I had to decide on what I wanted to major in college, I thought back on all the fun I had playing video games and used those fond memories as my main reason to declare my major in Computer Science and aim to become a game developer. In the cases of some other students, maybe they do not have a particular job that they would eagerly pursue, but rather they might choose to search for a job that pays well enough to live easily, financially speaking. By deciding to enroll in college, students can use it as an opportunity to get a higher education and discover out what careers they would like to pursue or maybe pursue a job that they had in mind. Although getting into college is already a nerve-wracking ordeal for many college applicants to go through, trying to graduate from a four year college is another difficult trial students have to overcome. In recent years, college students are having an increasingly difficult time getting a college education as well as securing a job appropriate for their level of education. From 1980 to 2011, the United States Department of Education noticed a trend among collegesShow MoreRelatedwhy college athletes should be paid1388 Words  | 6 PagesAthletes Should be Paid In our world, people who bring in money with their talents are usually compensated for their efforts. It makes complete sense right? Well for college athletes, they bring in billions of dollars worth of revenue for their school, but do not get compensated for their talents whatsoever. 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A price or value is placed on a commodity based on factors of supply and demand for the buyer intended purchase. Although prices may vary slightly due to such things as state taxes or shipping costs, it is understo od that in aRead MoreThe Price Of Tuition Should Not Be Paid1462 Words  | 6 Pagescomes to college. Among these concerns are the price of tuition and how unbearably high it is. Because of how high the cost is, people are starting to question the worth of a college degree. This topic is widely debated throughout the country and until the price of tuition has been made more affordable the debate will linger. However it is easy to get lost in the debate and begin to think that even if the cost were to be lowered that a college degree would not be worth the time to earn.. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Mandatory Drug Tests for Welfare Recipients Free Essays
Should welfare recipients be drug tested? We have many different opinions about this subject. The problem is that people are receiving free money from the government and purchasing unnecessary or illegal products. Is that fair to people who work hard to earn their money and pay the taxes to support these addictions? No, it’s not fair. We will write a custom essay sample on Mandatory Drug Tests for Welfare Recipients or any similar topic only for you Order Now The money should go straight to support the individuals’ families until they can support themselves without the help of the government. People who can afford to buy drugs don’t need help from the government. Welfare should be used for its purpose only. Without drug testing people who receive the benefit, the government has no knowledge of how the money from welfare is being used. Drug tests would solve the misusing of the welfare money, and help keep recipients clean so they can keep a job and they can take care of their family with their own earned money. Why is there welfare? Some people run into difficulties in their lives where they may need some time of assistance; in these cases, welfare comes into place. Welfare is meant to help people who really need it. As the saying goes, â€Å"Bad things happen to good people,†and when people can’t afford to put food on their table or can’t afford a home to live in, welfare takes action and helps them. Welfare exists to make sure people can get back on their feet, and that’s what welfare checks should be used for and only for. People on welfare should be using that money effectively and meanwhile they should be looking for a job so they can afford their home and food and at one point get out of the welfare system. People are not supposed to lay back and pretend that their welfare check is their salary and use these funds for whatever they want (Welfare Information). But it happens. Unfortunately, welfare has become a way of life for a lot of people in the US. They sit around waiting for their next check with no intention of looking for a job or to improve their lives in anyway (Krannebitter). Therefore welfare is creating dependable people who don’t care to get out of their couch to make a better living for themselves. The worst part is that a lot of the people on welfare also use the money that come from the pocket of people who get up early in the morning to work almost every day, to buy drugs. If people are struggling to pay rent or to get food for their family, how are they having enough to buy drugs? What happens is that a lot of the times adults take the money that they are supposed to buy clothing, food, school materials for their kids and instead use it to buy drugs. That is not air to people in the work force because we are basically funding their drug addictions, and it’s definitely not fair to their kids, because that money is supposed to help them live a better childhood (â€Å"Welfare Misuse and Drugs†). So what can we do to prevent welfare money going to drugs? We should consider drug testing welfare recipients. By doing so, we would make sure that every person who receives the help from the government is clean and are using the money efficiently. Also it would make sure they are not losing jobs because of their addictions. People who are against drug testing welfare recipients always say that the 4th amendment make the drug testing unconstitutional. People who don’t know what the 4th amendment is all about, it basically states that the U. S. constitution protects people from unreasonable search (Fourth Amendment). So how come the 4th amendment doesn’t protect me from being drug tested for a job? I’m willing to work and earn my money and to do so I undergo through a drug test every so often, so how come the people who are in the welfare system, who by the way receives the money from the taxes I pay from my paycheck, for free, should not be tested? It’s just common sense. The drug testing would encourage people to stop using drugs and use the money in a more productive way, and as a result of that, improving their lives. Welfare money is not always used for its purpose. With that in mind, the government should come up with a solution to solve this problem who is taking money away from people who really need the system. That solution is called drug testing. Drug tests should be a part of the application for welfare and it should happen also during the period when the person is getting help from the government, as people get tested to keep their job. Drug test would not only make sure that the welfare money is used properly, it would also make sure the recipients are clean and therefore can be more productive for their families and our society. How to cite Mandatory Drug Tests for Welfare Recipients, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Revenge In Hamlet Essay Example For Students
Revenge In Hamlet Essay Revenge In Hamlet:The Presence of Revenge in HamletRevenge is a major theme in the Tragedy of Hamlet. In the play Hamlet, byWilliam Shakespeare, the theme of revenge is repeated numerous timesthroughout theplay and involves a great deal of characters. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Category:ENGLISHPaper Title:Revenge In HamletText:The Presence of Revenge in HamletRevenge is a major theme in the Tragedy of Hamlet. In the play Hamlet, byWilliam Shakespeare, the theme of revenge is repeated numerous timesthroughout theplay and involves a great deal of characters. Of these characters, eight aredead by the endof the play by result of murder which was initiated through revenge. Shakespeare uses therevenge theme to create conflict among many characters. Revenge causes one toactblindly through anger, rather than through reason. It is based on theprinciple of an eye foran eye, but this principle is not always an intelligent theory to live by. Young Fortinbras,Laertes, and Hamlet are all looking to avenge the deaths of their fathers. There are threemajor families in the Tragedy of Hamlet. These are the family of KingFortinbras, thefamily of Polonius, and the family of King Hamlet. The heads of each of thesefamilies areall slaughtered within the play. Fortinbras, King of Norway, is killed byKing Hamlet; slainby sword during a man to man battle. our valiant Hamlet-for so thisside of our knownworld esteemd him-did slay this Fortinbras. This entitled King Hamletto the land thatwas possessed by Fortinbras because it was written in a seald contract. Polonius is anadvisor to the King, and father to Laertes and Ophelia. He is nosy andarrogant, and hedoes not trust his children. He is killed by Young Hamlet while he iseavesdropping on aconversation between Hamlet and his mother. How now! A rat? Dead, for aducat,dead! King Hamlet is the King of Denmark, and Hamlets father. He haskilled KingFortinbras, only to be killed by his brother, Claudius. My offense isrank, it smells toheaven; A brothers murder? Each of these events effects the sons ofthe deceased in thesame way, it enraged them. Shakespeare uses the revenge theme to create conflict between Hamlet andClaudius. In Act I, scene 5, Hamlet is visited by the ghost who was hisfather. The ghostmakes Hamlet aware of his murderous death when he tells Hamlet of howClaudius hadkilled him. The ghost says this to Hamlet regarding Claudius, Revengehis foul and mostunnatural murder. This is where Hamlet is first introduced to therevenge plot betweenhimself and Claudius. Hamlet wants to insure that the ghost really was hisdead fatherbefore he kills Claudius. To do this Hamlet has people act out the death ofhis father infront of Claudius and declares him guilty by his reaction to the play. O good Horatio, Illtake the ghosts word for a thousand pound. Hamlet declares Claudiusguilt to Horatioand now realizes that he must continue on with his revenge plot. The conflictbetweenHamlet and Claudius is delayed by Hamlet but does eventually occur in thelast scene. Hamlets mother has just died, Hamlet has been sliced by Laertes poisonsword, andHamlet has just struck Laertes with a fatal blow when Laertes says that thiswas allbrought on by Claudius. Hamlet, now realizing that there is no more time forhim to delayhis revenge, stabs Claudius and kills him. Revenge was the motive for theconflict betweenHamlet and Claudius. .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c , .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c .postImageUrl , .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c , .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c:hover , .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c:visited , .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c:active { border:0!important; } .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c:active , .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uba341f9b8464baf32ca30fc1e38c5d1c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Legalize marijuana EssayEvery one of the three eldest sons has one thing in common, they all wantrevengefor a slaughtered father. In the time in which this play is set, avenging themurder of afather was part of ones honor, and had to be done. All of the three sonsswearsvengeance, and then acts towards getting revenge for the deaths of theirfathers. YoungFortinbras is deeply enraged by the death of his father, and he wants revengeagainstDenmark because of this occurrence. Fortinbras wanted to, by force, regainthe lands thathad been lost by his father to Denmark. Now sir, young Fortinbras-as itdoth well appearunto our state-but to recover of us, by strong hand and terms comp ulsive,those foresaidlands so by his father losta Claudius sends messengers to talk toFortinbras uncle, thenew King of Norway. He forbids Fortinbras to attack Denmark, and insteadconvinces himto attack the Poles to vent his anger. His nephews levies, which tohim appeard to be apreparation gainst the Polack; But better lookd into, he truly found it wasagainst yourhighness. On Fortinbras; which he, in brief, obeys, receives rebuke fromNorway, and,
Friday, November 29, 2019
Long Term Investment Decisions
Abstract Inelastic products are those whose prices are not affected by demand and supply. For companies to ensure that their products are as inelastic as possible, they must differentiate them. The government can intervene in a free market economy through regulation of taxes and establishment of policies which govern such things as minimum wage, licensing of businesses and provision of subsidies for particular products or services. For companies to deal with the complexities of capital projects, they must take insurance cover for their businesses. In order to realize a convergence of the interests of shareholders and managers, companies may come up with a policy to ensure that managers’ pay is based on the profits made by the companies.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Long Term Investment Decisions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Keywords: Inelastic, Minimum Wage, Capital Projects. For managers in the low -calorie microwaveable food company to ensure that their products are as inelastic as possible, they must choose a pricing strategy which keeps their customers attracted to their products. At the same time, the pricing strategy should also discourage the customers from going for substituting products. But before the pricing strategy is put in place, the managers of the company must ensure that their products are highly differentiated or there are very few companies dealing with the same products. Once the managers succeed in this, they should settle for a price which is commensurate to the levels of the income of the customers. They should also consider the demand of the products as well as the cost of production. Once they have considered all this, they should set a fixed price for the products. This would ensure that the price does not affect the demand of the products. To achieve this, however, the managers must ensure that they have reliable supplies of raw materials so that the company would not face shortage of raw materials for the products at any given time. The company also needs to have a low employee turnover so as to ensure that the cost of production would not increase at any given time due to reliance on part-time labor which is more expensive than permanent labor. In a free market economy, the government plays very minimal roles. The market is usually left to regulate itself through the forces of demand and supply. This happens mostly in capitalistic economies where economic development is based on the cost of production which constitutes labor, raw materials and time required for the production process. Sometimes, the government may intervene by imposing price controls. However, these may not be attractive to the government because they compel it to cater for some costs in the production of certain products and services. Another policy, which the government may have in the regulation of a market economy is the regulation of the amount of tax le vied on products and services. The government can also have policies on minimum wage, the number of hours which employee should work in a day and the number of days which employees should take off from work. Some governments may propose a 24 hour economy where businesses operate day and night. Others may have policies which require businesses to operate only during the day. Governments can also have policies on provision of goods and services through subsidies which help in reducing the price of some targeted products and services (Rowley Schneider, 2004). One effect that government policies have on production is the increase in the cost of producing goods and services. If, for example, the government decides to increase the taxes levied on products and services, then the businesses are compelled to roll out the increased taxes to the consumers through increasing the price for the affected products or services (Welch Welch, 2009).Advertising Looking for essay on business eco nomics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Government policies can also accelerate or slow down the production process for particular products and services as well as reduce or increase the cost of doing business in a country. If the government streamlines the procedure of getting a businesses permit, then it becomes easy to establish businesses in that country. If, on the other hand, the licensing of businesses is bureaucratic, then it takes longer to establish a business thus increasing the cost of doing business in that particular country. In terms of employment, government policies can affect the number of employees in businesses. If the government comes up with a policy on minimum wage, then businesses may be forced to reduce the number of employees so as to reduce the cost of labor. In situations where there are no policies on minimum wage, businesses can benefit from cheap labor, which is also regulated by the forces of demand and supply. If there are many unemployed people in a country, then labor is likely to be cheap and this is where a policy on minimum wage can negatively affect businesses because they must pay the employees according to the minimum wage set by the government. If, on the other hand, the supply of labor is low, the cost is likely to be high and therefore, the policy on minimum wage may not be applicable for businesses in that country. One potential effect that government policies could have on my company is the increase in the cost of production through increased taxes levied by the government. This could affect the company’s profit margins because the prices for the differentiated products could not be increased as mentioned earlier. What the company can do in such a scenario is to open branches in other countries, where there are little or no political, economic and social risks. I think that it is not necessary for the government regulation to ensure fairness in the low-calo rie microwavable food industry. The reason is that such an industry is capable of regulating itself, because the issue of diet is a matter of lifestyle and personal choices, but not a matter of uniformity. Each individual has his or her own lifestyle and therefore, the government should not regulate the amount of calories in food stuffs, but it should leave the people to decide the amount of calories they need in their food stuffs. If people do not prefer low calorie food stuffs, then those companies which sell them would be out of business by default. If, on the other hand, people prefer food stuffs with low calories, then those companies which deal with high calorie food stuffs would be out of business and for these reasons, the industry would attain self regulation and there would be fairness. The major reason for the government’s involvement in a market economy is to ensure that there is equity and social efficiency. In order to ensure equity, the government can intervene to ensure that resources are distributed equally within the entire population. In a market economy, the supply of certain products and services can be skewed. Such products and services may include health, education and emergency preparedness and response products or equipment. Even though these products and services can be offered in a free market economy, the government may come up with a policy to regulate the provision of such services and products to ensure that all people are able to access them irrespective of their social and economic status (McGuigan, Moyer, Harris, 2014).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Long Term Investment Decisions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In order to ensure social efficiency, governments may intervene to ensure that the marginal benefits of a business to the society are commensurate with the marginal cost of production. This is done to ensure that businesses give back to t he society. For example, a mining company must ensure that it gives people enough compensation for social and economic impacts of the miming project. Another example is an irrigation project. The government can intervene to ensure that the company which undertakes the irrigation project does not import labor from other areas but it employs the local people so that they may benefit from their proximity to the irrigation scheme. Capital projects are those which require huge amounts of financial capital and labor to start or maintain. Their defining characteristic is the intensive use of resources and time. One major complexity associated with expansion through capital projects is the allocation of resources for the project activities. Sometimes, it can be very hectic to allocate resources accurately for the project without leaving some important activities unfunded (Morris Pinto, 2011). Another complexity is the management of risks associated with such projects because of their magni tude. If a mistake happens and the projects do not succeed, then the impacts of such failure may be very detrimental to the owners of the projects. In order for the low-calorie microwaveable food company to address these complexities, it needs to invest a lot of resources in the planning of the capital projects. Having a clearly thought out plan can ensure that everything is done in the right way. Proper planning would also ensure that all stakeholders are involved in the project design and are also given sufficient details about the projects. The other way is taking insurance for such projects. This ensures that in case the projects do not succeed, the company could recover some of its financial capital invested in the projects. In many companies, the interests of the stockholders and the managers are always divergent. While the stockholders are mainly interested in more profits and dividends, managers are interested in increasing revenue so that they could enjoy more benefits. The best way to create a convergence between the interests of stockholders and managers is by coming up with policies which require managers to be paid based on the profits generated by the company. The stockholders could set profit targets for their company which it must attain so that the managers could be paid certain amount of salary and benefits. In the policies it should be stated that if the managers do not meet the targets, they should receive less pay and enjoy few benefits. This would ensure that the managers focus on increasing profits, but not revenue. Consequently, the company would have higher profits. If the managers do not meet the set targets, they could also be threatened with termination of employment or with threats of selling of the company.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For example, the chairman of Shell Oil Company was threatened with dismissal in 2004. As a result, the company was brought back on track and started generating more profits. The other example is that of a planned takeover of PO Princess by Carnival. This takeover is aimed at threatening the directors of PO Princess to ensure that the company increases its profit margins (Ujsme, 2007). References McGuigan, J. R., Moyer, R. C., Harris, F. H. (2014). Managerial economics: applications, strategies and tactics, (13th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. Morris, P., Pinto, J.F.(2011). The Wiley Guide to Project, Program, and Portfolio Managemen. Hoboken : John Wiley Sons. Rowley, C. K., Schneider, F. (2004). The encyclopedia of public choice. New York, NY : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Ujsme, K. (2007). Conflict of Interest between Managers and Shareholders. Web. Welch, P. J., Welch, G.F. (2009). Economics: theory and practice. Hoboken, N. J.: John Wiley. This essay on Long Term Investment Decisions was written and submitted by user Bright Hen to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Long Term Investment Decisions
Monday, November 25, 2019
SAT Math vs ACT Math Whats the Difference
SAT Math vs ACT Math What's the Difference SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Which is better/easier/faster- the SAT Math section or the ACT Math section? How does each stack up over the course of the entire test? Most importantly, which math section is right for you? We’ll break down both the similarities and differences in this SAT Math vs ACT Math guide and help you decide which standardized test suits you better. SAT Math vs ACT Math: Test Organization First, let us look at how each test is structured as a whole and how each math section fits into that overall form. ACT Test Organization The ACT is broken into four sections (five, if you take the ACT + Writing), making for a two-hour and 55-minute test (or a three-hour and 35-minute test), not including break times. Each topic section is taken all at once, meaning they are not broken into smaller subsections, and the topics will always appear in the same order. Here is an overview of the ACT Math section: ACT Section Order on Test # of Questions Total Time Time per Question Math 2 (after English) 60 60 mins 60 sec The ACT Math section will always be the second section and therefore will always be sandwiched between ACT English and ACT Reading. You'll have no opportunity to come back to the Math section once your time is up, so you'll have to balance your timing and strategies yourself. Even if you have an extra 10 minutes left on the Reading section, you can't come back to answer more questions on the Math section. This kind of structure tends to appeal to those who can focus on one task for long stretches of time or those who like to finish tasks completely before moving on. The trade-off is, of course, that you'll need to be vigilant when taking the section (if, for any reason, you always get very sleepy in the second hour of taking a standardized test, there goes your entire Math score!). SAT Test Organization The SAT has three main sections (four if you take the SAT with Essay) that, like the ACT, will always appear in the same order. The test is a total of three hours (three hours and 50 minutes with the optional Essay), with the Math section taking up 80 minutes total. Similar to the ACT, once the Math section is over, you'll have no opportunity to go back and answer any questions you might have missed. Here is an overview of the SAT Math section: SAT Math Section Order on Test # of Questions Total Time Time per Question No Calculator 3 (after Writing) 20 25 mins 75 sec Calculator 4 38 55 mins 87 sec The SAT Math section is the only section on the test that's broken up into two segments: a No Calculator subsection (for which you may not use a calculator) and a Calculator subsection (for which you may use a calculator). The No Calculator section comes first after Writing and is 25 minutes long, whereas the Calculator section comes afterward and is 55 minutes long. The SAT testing structure tends to appeal to those who feel more confident in their math abilities and don't need or want to rely on a calculator as much. You'll also get more time per question with the SAT Math section than you will with ACT Math, so it's ideal for those who'd like more time to solve problems and check their answers (we'll talk more about this in detail later). The difference between the two test structures mostly depends on how you like to test. For some people, solving math problems without being able to check them with a calculator is a huge challenge. Others might prefer getting the math section done as early as possible. There is no "better" test design for everyone- just the one that appeals to you more or works better for you specifically. Each test will always have its own predictable structure so there will never be any surprises. SAT Math and ACT Math: Question Types Although many of the math topics covered by the SAT Math section and the math topics covered by the ACT Math section are the same or similar (with some notable exceptions- we'll talk about this more in a moment), the way each test presents its questions is markedly different. Now that we've seen how each exam is organized, let's look at the type and presentation of each math question on the SAT and ACT. ACT Math Question Types The ACT tends to present math questions in a fairly straightforward manner. The questions may test you on challenging mathematical concepts, but they are not specifically designed to test your reading comprehension, nor are they set up to lure you to select bait answers. Basically, ACT Math questions test how well you have memorized a particular math concept and whether you can appropriately recognize and utilize it when necessary. Again, this is not to say that ACT Math questions are easy- many of them are quite challenging- but they're designed to test how well you know specific math concepts and not how well you can solve a puzzle you've never seen before, or how well you can translate a long paragraph that sets up an unusual math scenario. For example: Do you know what a rational number is? And: Do you know how to find the tangent or cosine of a particular angle? (For answers and step-by-step tips on how to solve these questions, check out our guide to the hardest ACT Math questions.) Note that each question gives you five answer choices, so you will always have a 20% chance of getting a question right, even if you were to just venture a guess. You will not be provided with any formulas on the test, so you must have them all memorized before test day. (For a complete list of formulas to know for the ACT, check out our guide to the 31 formulas you'll need to memorize.) Compared to the SAT, the ACT covers a slightly wider range of math topics, such as graphs of trig functions, matrices, and logarithms, none of which is on the SAT. But you must only memorize a few specific rules and formulas for each topic. In addition, geometry makes up about 35-40% of ACT Math but a far smaller percentage of SAT Math, so if you're really good at geometry, the ACT might work better for you. Essentially, the ACT casts a wider mathematical net than the SAT does, but each topic is covered a little more shallowly (except for geometry). SAT Math Question Types The SAT Math section is very similar to the ACT Math section in that questions generally test the same broad math topics (with a large emphasis on algebra) and are all fairly straightforward. In terms of content, the SAT has a much smaller focus on geometry than the ACT does (less than 10% of SAT Math is geometry questions). Furthermore, SAT Math tests fewer math concepts as a whole. While the ACT has slightly more questions that deal with trigonometry, the SAT only has a few at most, so if you're not really good with sines, cosines, and tangents, the SAT might be a better fit for you. The SAT Math section does have a large emphasis on word problems and data analysis, more so than the ACT Math section does. The data analysis problems are often connected across many questions as well. For example: Can you understand how algebra relates to a real-life scenario? And: Do you know how to interpret tables and charts? In terms of formulas and necessary information, the SAT will always give you a formula box at the beginning of both the No Calculator and Calculator sections. Despite this, we still suggest making time to memorize the most important formulas so there are no surprises on test day. Another big difference from the ACT Math section is that the SAT Math section has 13 grid-ins, or student-produced response questions, which account for a whopping 22% of questions on SAT Math. For these, you must come up with your own answer to a problem- there are no answer choices to choose from! Finally, as you could probably tell from the examples above, multiple-choice SAT Math questions will always have just four answer choices as opposed to the ACT's five answer choices. This gives you a slightly better chance (25%) of getting a question right if you were to guess. Each test gives you a slightly different array of math topics and problems, but, once again, there is no "better" test for everyone. If you are stronger in geometry and want to always have access to a calculator, then the ACT might be a better fit. On the other hand, if you like connected data analysis problems and are confident in your math abilities without a calculator, then the SAT might be the ideal exam for you. So let's talk scores (and hopefully none of us will be the throw on the top right). ACT Math vs SAT Math: Scoring For both the ACT and SAT, the balance of correct and incorrect answers gives you what is called a raw score, which is converted into a scaled score. Let’s break down this process and look at how each test differs in its scoring approach. ACT Scoring The entire ACT Math section is multiple choice with five different answer options. For each question on the ACT, you will earn the following points: +1 raw point for each correct answer 0 raw points for any incorrect or blank answer There is no penalty or negative points for wrong answers on the ACT. Once you have a raw score, you can convert it into a scaled score out of 36. This scaled score, in turn, will show you how you rank nationally in terms of your percentile, which indicates how you compare with other students who took the test. For example, if you scored in the 60th percentile, you scored better than 60% of all students who took the test (and 40% of all students received a higher score than you). For details on how to find your raw score, scaled score, and percentile, read our guides on how the ACT is scored and ACT percentiles and score rankings. SAT Scoring As we explained earlier, the SAT Math section is broken into a combination of multiple-choice and grid-in questions. For each question, you will receive the following: +1 raw point for each correct answer 0 raw points for any blank answer Like with the ACT, there is no point penalty for incorrect or blank answers on the SAT. The total raw score on the SAT Math section gets converted into a scaled score on a scale of 200-800. This scaled score will, in turn, give you your percentile ranking, which compares your scaled score to everyone else who took the SAT. To learn more about how to find your raw score, scaled score, and percentile, take a look at our guides on how the SAT is scored and SAT percentiles and score rankings. ACT Scores and Percentiles vs SAT Scores and Percentiles Now, let's look at a side-by-side comparison of the raw, scaled, and percentile scores of the ACT and the SAT, and the percentage of the Math section you must answer correctly in order to score in these zones. All data below comes from official SAT and ACT practice tests, and current SAT and ACT percentiles. (Note that these are general estimates for the raw score needed to get a certain scaled score on SAT and ACT Math. In reality, the exact raw score you'll need to get a certain scaled score differs a little with each test to account for differences in question content and difficulty.) ACT Raw Score ACT Scaled Score ACT Percent Questions Correct ACT Percentiles 16-18 16 27-30% 25th percentile 25-26 19 42-43% 50th percentile 34-36 24 57-60% 75th percentile 49-50 30 82-83% 95th percentile SAT Raw Score SAT Scaled Score SAT Percent Questions Correct SAT Percentiles 20 450 34% 25th percentile 28 520 48% 50th percentile 39 600 67% 75th percentile 52 730 90% 95th percentile As you can see, to get the same percentile on the ACT and SAT Math sections, you'd need to get a few more questions right on the SAT than you would on the ACT. For example, to get in the 95th percentile, you'd need to get around 52 questions right on the SAT Math section but only 49 or 50 questions right on the ACT Math section. For more tips on how to strategically select your answers for each test and generate the highest score, check out our guides on how to best guess on the SAT and how to best guess on the ACT. ACT Math and SAT Math: Time Per Question Now, let's look at how the time constraints for the ACT and SAT stack up against each other. ACT Timing The ACT gives you 60 Math questions to answer in 60 minutes, which gives you an average of 60 seconds per question. Remember, too, that the ACT also tests your mathematical stamina a little more so than the SAT does: unlike the SAT, which separates Math into two subsections (No Calculator and Calculator), the ACT gives you all 60 Math questions at once, with no break in-between. SAT Timing The SAT Math section is divided into two subsections (No Calculator followed by Calculator), each of which has its own number of questions and time constraint: SAT Math Section # of Questions Total Time Time per Question No Calculator 20 25 mins 75 sec Calculator 38 55 mins 87 sec Note that there is a short five-minute break between the No Calculator and Calculator sections, so you're not actually solving all these questions at once as you are on the ACT! As you can see, compared to the ACT, the SAT gives you a little more time per question on Math. You'll typically have anywhere from 15 to 27 seconds more per question on SAT Math than you would on ACT Math. If you're worried about having enough time for each math question, the SAT would probably be a better option for you. "And so the problem remained; lots of people were mean, and most were miserable, even the ones with digital watches." - Douglas Adams (Probably because digital watches are not recommended for the SAT or ACT!) Summary: SAT Math vs ACT Math To more easily see the two tests compared side-by-side, let us recap. The ACT Math section has the following characteristics: Appears second on the ACT, directly after English Contains two more math questions than the SAT does (60 total compared to 58) Is only one section, which allows you to use a calculator throughout as needed Gives you an average of 60 seconds per question Does not issue a wrong-answer penalty Is entirely multiple choice, with every question having five possible answer choices Will not provide you with any formulas Tests a slightly wider variety of math topics than the SAT does Has a much larger emphasis on geometry than the SAT does The SAT Math section, meanwhile, has the following characteristics: Appears third on the SAT, directly after Writing and Language Has two less questions than ACT Math does (58 total compared to 60) Is broken up into two subsections: No Calculator and Calculator Gives you an average of 75-87 seconds per question Does not issue a wrong-answer penalty Consists of a combination of multiple-choice and grid-in questions Has four answer choices for each multiple-choice question Will provide you with a box of formulas before each subsection Tests slightly fewer math topics than the ACT does Has more emphasis on data analysis and word problems than the ACT does Everyone will weigh their pros and cons differently. Don't judge your scale against anyone else's- your choice is ultimately up to you. ACT Math vs SAT Math: Which Test Is Better for You? Unfortunately, you won’t know which test you like better or which test suits your strengths unless you actually sit down and take a practice test of each (you can find free practice SAT tests and free practice ACT tests here). Take each complete test with the proper timing rules and then score your results (SAT scoring guides and ACT scoring guides). If the difference in your scores is huge (you can use current percentiles to get a feel for how "good" your scores are), you have a clear front-runner. If not, go with your gut or whichever test felt more comfortable for you. Colleges do not prefer one test over the other, so the choice is completely dependent on how you like to test. Although it might sound extreme to take two lengthy tests in your spare time, it's well worth it to find the right test for you. Think of it this way- If you’re going to dedicate the necessary hours to succeed (and we recommend that you study around 40 hours total!), then you might as well spend the first few of them figuring out which test you feel more comfortable with. It'd certainly be a waste of your time and effort if you spent 40 hours studying for the ACT only to decide that you actually like the SAT better! Taking a real practice test will also help you set realistic study and scoring goals, and help you figure out how to make the best use of your time, both before and during the test. Once you find your raw and scaled scores, you can start the process of setting realistic goal milestones until you get your score to where you want it to be. If your standardized test of choice is your big boss fight, it's best to pick the one you can soundly thrash. The Takeaways: Should You Take SAT Math or ACT Math? Again, there is no one true "better" test- only the test that better fits your own strengths and preferences. Once you take a practice test for both the ACT and the SAT and examine your scores and your feelings while taking each, you'll be able to clearly decide how to proceed. Remember that you must weigh the pros and cons of each Math section against the entire test as a whole. If you like the SAT Math section better but do a lot better on the ACT as a whole, then you must make the decision about whether your comfort level and Math score are more important than your score on the entire test. Standardized testing is all about balance, so take time to weigh your pros and cons carefully. And once you do this, only practice and diligence will help you strike that perfect balance and achieve your greatest testing potential. What’s Next? Want to compare the ACT vs the SAT across the whole test? Check out our complete ACT vs SAT guide to learn more about the nuanced differences between the two exams. Ready to make an SAT/ACT study plan? First figure out how long you should study for the ACT and how long you should study for the SAT. Running out of time on the ACT or SAT Math section? If you took a practice test but couldn't finish it in time, then check out our tips for how stop running out of time on ACT Math and SAT Math. Looking to get a perfect score? Our guides to getting a 36 on ACT Math and getting an 800 on SAT Math (both written by a perfect scorer!) will help get you where you need to be. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Critical Review Of Sumantra Ghoshal's Article Essay
Critical Review Of Sumantra Ghoshal's Article - Essay Example There have been extensive debates about good practices in the theory of management. In this regard, the article published by Sumantra Ghoshal had provided quite a valuable insight. The surge in corporate scandals in the past has brought management practices taught in the management schools under attack. The article published by Ghoshal (2005) had stated that academic research, which is done in the field of business and management, has led to certain detrimental practices in the field of management. According to Ghoshal, most of these negative influences can be attributed to the incorporation of a set of ideas that have gained more dominance in the theory of management for organizations. Ghoshal has strongly criticized the business schools of propagating ideas based on amoral practices, which have made students free of any type of social and ethical concerns (Gapper,2005). Hayek had criticized the scientific model adopted by business schools by commenting that it is "pretense of knowl edge" (Ghoshal and Moran,1996). I think both of these authors had a major complaint against the dehumanization of humans in business. According to me, most business practices that are adopted by organizations are regarded from a capitalist view point, which does not take ethical considerations of decisions into account. The paper published by Ghoshal is unique according to me because it points out not only to the flaws of organizations per se but also to a flaw in which knowledge is imparted by individuals in the academic field, including him.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Online Services Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Online Services - Assignment Example The first service is to share and exchange used books. The students are always in need of books whenever they enter a new semester or some new course material is introduced. With the increasing costs of the books, it is becoming difficult for the students to buy new books; rather it is effective and productive idea that students can share the books with each other for example if a student has passed a semester then he can offer them to exchange and share them with others. The second service is the tutoring facilities. In the modern competitive educational systems, many students find it hard to have a sound grasp on many subjects. Professors and experts are needed in order to teach the students. The proposed website will provide the tutoring services and students will easily locate the required experts and they can negotiate with them. The third effective service provided by the proposed website is to help the students’ in doing different kinds of dissertations, assignments, tr anslation and problem solving. Options for online advertising Google ads are one of the most prolific and effective means of advertising. Google ads are given by different companies and business after a certain amount of traffic start coming to your website. In our scenario, the effectiveness of Google ads depends upon the quality of content and services. In the scenario of the website, our service will be advertised on different websites based on the preference we give to the Google ads. Most appropriate choice in this case is to give the Google ads of the website on the student learning outlets like essay help websites, science websites, research based websites, Slide sharing websites and mathematical problem solving websites. Because of these ads, the students will come to know that they can get help from our website in the academic domain and thus the traffic on our website will increase and more people will use our services. Pricing Cost-per-click (CPC) This option is more econ omical because we will only have to pay to Google when someone will click our ad, this we can also maintain a track of our website traffic and can change the package if it is not being proved to be productive. Normally Google charges around 1$ to 1.5$ per click on the ad in this scenario, average cost per click is the best option because the ads can be given different rate depending upon the media outlets. In average cost per click, the cost can get low as compared to absolute click cost. The other option is the geographic advertising known as Google places in which the service is displayed with the exact location. This option has the benefit that the customer can have the confidence that the potential service really exists and he contacts the service provider immediately. The cost of Google places is high and charged in advance by the Google. The packages are given according to the web rankings and the billing is increased when this threshold payment is increased. The initial billi ng threshold is of 50$ which is used for one month and full advertisement is done. After one month, the cost is increased to 200$ but the span of web rankings in increased drastically. In the scenario of the website, the initial package of 50$ is enough. The third option is the banner advertisement and this can be very effective in online educational services website scenario because mostof the students visit popular websites like Yahoo, alta
Monday, November 18, 2019
Discovering Science Thorough the Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Discovering Science Thorough the Media - Essay Example Sara Seager, a theorist explains: We can count as many as we like, â€Å"but until we can observe the atmospheres and assess their greenhouse gas power, we don’t really know what the surface temperatures are like†(cited in Overbye, 2015). On the one hand such discovery is not surprising as the scientists have already came to the conclusion that in the Milky Way there can be more than 20 billion planets, on which the temperature conditions are appropriate for life. The relevant data were obtained as a result of the statistical analysis of the observations, which were being made with the help of Kepler telescope during three years. By means of the telescope scientists came to the conclusion that about 22% of stars in the Milky Way have the planets similar to Earth by the size where the temperature is appropriate for biological processes. A scientists Andrew Howard states: "For NASA, this number – that every fifth star has a planet somewhat like Earth – is really important, because successor missions to Kepler will try to take an actual picture of a planet, and the size of the telescope they have to build depends on how close the nearest Earth-size planets are†(cited in Ohlheiser, 2015) However, the fact needs further investigations, because the probability of mistake is very high. Thus, in July 2014 the scientists revealed that found Gliese d and g can be simply a mistake of researchers. A couple of planets, Gliese d and g, which are allegedly situated at the distance of 22 light years from Earth caused many disputes. Now researchers state that two planets, on which, as it was assumed, organic life can be present, simply do not exist. Researchers came to such conclusion after carrying out the spectral analysis of a star, which the planets were supposed to move around. They explained that there was no planetary signal as it was stated before. It was just a phenomenon caused by star activity". In other words, magnetic fields or flashes on the Sun
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Basic Management and Organisational Theory
Basic Management and Organisational Theory CONTRIBUTIONS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES CLASSICAL THEORY It is purposeful and investigational attitude. Supervision personnel and organization more efficiently. The whole thing planned and organized harmony of expertise and maintenance by administrators. Goal on construction, developments and superfluous of organization. Lots of broadside effort HUMANISTIC THEORY This concept concentration on humanistic viewpoint.it contributes additional position to individuals. Because of communal considerate in people announcement greater than before. Individuals are complicated in so there is more harmony in conclusion manufacture. It combined with societies internal emotional state and self-concepts CONTINGENCY THEORY This is uncluttered coordination methodology and there is no one way of management the state of affairs.it deal the changed condition another way. No have confidence in in ‘one unsurpassed way’ so many procedures and philosophies are used. It’s reasonably composite and no one truthful administrative approach that mechanism in all state of affairs. IDENTIFY 2 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES: Functional Structure Divisional Structure DESCRIBE The organization is separated into dissimilar subdivisions based on the occupations when management. This allows the organization to intensification the proficiencies of well-designed individuals. These type of organization division the functioning areas of organization into farewells. Each leave-taking has its own capitals in order to occupation autonomously. COMPARE In purposeful construction there is announcement between the decision-making constable and his operates which work efficiently in exhume subdivision. In regional structure numerous sections are occupied composed to spring outputs.in this structure there is no communication allowed in different branches and sub-departments. 1.3 SOURCES OF POWER, INFLUENCE AND AUTHORITY: Legitimate source it’s also known as the positional influence. It’s consequent from the situation of an individual that is grip in an organization. Expert source-it’s originates from knowledge or teaching. Reward source operative supposes some type of recompense from their bosses. Referent source referent authority mentions to the individual who has desirability towards their instruction. Coercive source- operative has terror of enthusiastic or downgraded. IMPACT ON PRESENT DAY ORGS: There is enormous influence of these foundations of influence; inspiration and specialist to contemporary era organization. To clench of the organization both administration squads wants that they must binary or extra foundations. To brand persons under their regulator every now and then they secondhand recompense authority like growth income, elevations. EFFECTIVENESS ON PRESENT DAY ORGS There are several influences that can influence the effectiveness of organization.in the more technical world people are highly technical, knowledgeable. They are more self-assured and believe in their competences. They have the boldness to ‘to do’ things rendering this altering biosphere. 1.4  COMPARISON ON TRADITIONAL AND CURRENT PERSPECTIVE DELEGATIONIn former standpoint individuals delicacies like teen-ager.in the ancient assignment is finished straightly. People come interfering. Every education of the diplomacies gives to face-to-face. Today with accumulative of knowledge it becomes supplementary unceremonious, and now it’s completed by methodological ways and means like e-mails, and texts, Which is more hazardous and perilous. PARTICIPATIONIn terms of contribution, people continuously check the strategies before esteem less what type of elegance they assume. When personnel are complex in the modification exertion they are additional likely to purchase into modification somewhat than struggle it. This method is likely to subordinate fighting more so than just hopeful individuals will consent to transformation. DECISION MAKINGDecision making is identical communal these days. One and all has their specific thinking and professional in equipment.in pronouncement making general public share their designs and plan which is greatly consumed today associate to the ancient. 1.5 IDENTIFY THE PRINCIPLES FOR COORDINATION: Principles of direct contact-there are straight connection between administrators and dependents and the result will be virtuous affiliation between them. Principle of continuity it is not a erstwhile commotion. The progression of synchronization flinches when the association twitches and it’s endure until the association be existent. Principle of reciprocity-the arrangements of all the general public of association are inter-related in.so the pronouncements of one somebody will disturb to all other persons on an association. PAST AND CURRENT RELEVENCE TO MGT EFFECTIVITY: Perpendicular synchronization can be designated as cable of guidelines which is in mandate.in this management statement between companies and supervise is made by consultant who helps in accomplishing administrative goal. On the other hand in straight management there is announcement between sectors to constituent part. TASK 2 2.1 RELEVANCE AND APPLICATION OF THE MOTIVATION THEORIES 2.1.1 – Humanistic Motivational Theory, Incentive Theory Relevance: Humanistic theory is the most well-known theory of motivation. According to these theory human is ambitious to perform their best potential and will always do so unless difficulties are placed in their way. These obstacles include food and shelter, financial problems. The relevance of incentive theory people is motivated to do things in the workforce because of external rewards like money, reward. This theory describes that particular motivation. Application: These theories can be used by the management employers to check the performance of their staff. Employers also understand that their staffs have number of needs that they want to be filled. This way the management comes aware of his responsibility to satisfy these needs. Expectancy theory, Equity theory Relevance: Expectancy theory is best described as process theory.it explains why individuals choose one behavioural options over others because they believe that their decision will lead them their desires. The concept of equity theory is that people get their job satisfaction by analyse their inputs and outputs with other people in the same workforce. Application These theories can be used as consideration example in workforce.it will very helpful for people who are doing their job very hardly. 2.2MANAGERIAL APPROACHES TO MOTIVATION AND THEIR DISTINCTIVE CONTRIBUTIONS 1 Pay and job performance The main contribution of this approach is that it defines the belief in the employees that if they give outstanding performance in their organization then they will get some rewards. 2 Quality of work life programs The contribution of this approach is to describe the ways and programs so employees make their working life better. 2.3POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE IMPLICATION OF THE SOME MANAGEMENT STYLE IN RELATION TO MGT PRATICE: Autocratic style: manager takes all the important decision without involvement from workers. Positive implication: decision making very quickly. Controlling large number of low skilled workers. Negative implication: one way communication. The staff would like to give new ideas to management but this creativity is not respected by the managers. Participative style: managers expect lots of feedback from their staff before coming to a conclusion and making a decision. Positive implication: two way communication to motivating. This is problem solving process and openness to new ideas can result in innovation. Negative implication: this is very slow down decision making process. Still quite dictatorial and autocratic style of management. 2.4 EXAMINATION OF JOB DESIGN FOR MARKETING MANAGER Motivational effects: in terms of characteristics the motivational effect is very high and very exciting, in this task people from various culture involved. And they will get chance to share their views an get chance to gain knowledge.in terms of personal individual don’t get chance to mingle with other people. They have to do their things itself What are the implication of the job design for management The implication of the job design for management depends on capability. The organization looks for the most capable person to handle problems. The thing that is more demanding and needed mostly on the job design is not only the business skills. A person who is cultured and worldly is more entailed on the job design. 2.5 SOCIAL INFLUENCE ON INDIVIDUAL WORK EFFECTIVENESS AND MOTIVATION Social influence like values, rules, customs which effect work effectiveness and motivation. People have their own way to working and solve problems. The management should conscious to these matters. The team leader should know that every member has its own personality and skills. And no one wants to change his/her beliefs for the team. Rather everyone should learn something new from other culture. TASK 3: 3.1 LEADERSHIP VS.MANAGEMENT The role of a leader is to set new vision for the company. Leader focus on people. On the other hand, the role of the manager the manager focuses on systems and structure. The manager relies on control. 3.2IMPACT OF MGT AND LEADERSHIP ROLES ON ORG.STRUCTURE Leader is responsible continually analysing and developing the organizations effectiveness and ability to meet the needs of its members. The manager is the one who implement the plans made by leader. 3.3COMPARE TWO DIFFERENT LEADERSHIP STYLES AND IDENTIFY AND CONTRAST LEADERSHIP STYLE DIFFRENCES SIMILARITIES ATTRIBUTES SKILLLS STRENGTHS WEAKNESS Democratic Democratic style follows people suggestions. A visionary leader is who turn his colleagues towards a common goal. These both style working for people and organization in different working way. Encourage employee to be part of decision making, creativity is encouraged. Staff members involves in decision making. Increase employee motivation and commitment to the decision making. It takes time for decision making. visionary People share information openly. Motivating people Leaders must have convincing power. Definite and clear vision. Sometimes leader have all the power.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Transitions of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment Periods
Transitions of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment Periods The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were times of great emphasis on reason and questioning of faith. The scientists and philosophes of these eras discovered and taught new ideas that often contradicted what the church and former thinkers had taught and believed before them. Most of the intellectual, political, economic, and social characteristics associated with the modern world came into being during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.1 During the Scientific Revolution, people began to question beliefs that they had always taken for granted. Scientists changed people's views of the world they lived in through discoveries such as the theory of the heliocentric universe. During the Enlightenment, philosophes challenged beliefs formerly held by the church and government by insisting that human reason would lead to the solution of all problems. They believed that man should live his life, make his own decisions, and believe w hat he wanted based on his own experiences and what he believed to be true. These two revolutions lead to a movement away from the church and faith, and towards a belief in more scientific and mathematical explanations for the way things worked. One of the aspects of the Scientific Revolution was the popularization of the belief in a sun-centered universe. Before this time, both Aristotle and Ptolemy supported the theory that the earth was the center of the universe and that the stars and planets revolved around it. Also, the realm of God was believed to lie just outside of this universe. This was known as the geocentric theory and the Catholic Church also strongly supported... ...s or herself. The former influence that faith and the church had on everyday life was questioned during these eras and a strong turning from former beliefs was widely evident as the thinkers of this time proposed new ideas on logic and reason. 1 Perry M. Rogers, ed. Aspects of Western Civilization: Problems and Sources in History (Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall, 1998) 3. 2 Rogers. Aspects of Western Civilization 11. 3 Rogers. Aspects of Western Civilization 12. 4 Rogers. Aspects of Western Civilization 14. 5 Rogers. Aspects of Western Civilization 9. 6 Rogers. Aspects of Western Civilization 16. 7 Rogers. Aspects of Western Civilization 3. 8 Rogers. Aspects of Western Civilization 4. 9 Rogers. Aspects of Western Civilization 29. 10 Rogers. Aspects of Western Civilization 31. 11 Rogers. Aspects of Western Civilization 35.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Oedipus complex in “Sons and lovers†by D.H. Lawrence Essay
ABSTRACT _This paper discusses about â€Å"Oedipus complex in the life of the main character as reflected in D.H. Lawrence sons and lovers: a psychological approach. The objectives of the study are to explain Oedipus complex in the life of the main character of Lawrence Sons and Lovers observed psychologically._ _This research is categorized into a library research because all sources are taken from libraries. The subject of the research is novel entitled Sons and Lovers by D.H Lawrence. The object of the research about revenges in the novel._ _Some of the important research findings are stated as follows: the first is the character and characterization of the main character. The second is the theory abnormal behavior that caused Oedipus complex in family. The third is the effects caused abnormal behavior or Oedipus complex. Then, there some moral values can be taken from the novel._ _KEYWORDS: OEDIPUS COMPLEX, CHARACTER, PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH._ CHAPTER I In this chapter, as the introduction, the researcher presents the background of the study, identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problems, objective of the study, significance of the study, and presentation of the thesis. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In a family, there are relationship between the members of family such as relationship between parents and their son and daughter. Normally the relation among the members of family is based on love without respect anything although there are gender differences among the members of family causing some factor not rare in a family exist abnormal relationship or deviant relation among mother-son or father-daughter. For example in Indonesia legend there are story tells about deviant relationship among son and mother, where the son (Sangkuriang) wants to married his own mother cause by his interest the parents of the opposite sex. Besides that he also kills his own father as the result of his deviation relationship with his own mother. According to Freud the interested child toward parent of the opposite gender is called Oedipus complex. Oedipus complex is a concept within psychoanalytic theory referring to a stage of psychosexual development where child of either gender regards the parent of the same gender as an adversary, and competitor, for the exclusive love of the parents of the opposite gender. Sons and Lovers is an interesting novel besides this novel also best seller. This novel had written in 1913 and first published, in 1913 by Wordsworth Classics Edition Limited. The story of the novel tells about the deviation relationship between Gertrude Morel and Paul Morel (mother and son), besides that the novel tells about conflict that happened in a family, death of spouse, love affair between Paul morel with two different girls who had become his girlfriends although they cannot replace Paul’s mother position in Paul’s heart. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROBLEM Based on the novel, there are some problems that can be identified in novel _sons and lovers_ written by D.H. Lawrence, there are: Paul morel characterization as the main character in the novel psychologically The moral value that can be taken from the novel _sons and lovers_ LIMITATION OF THE PROBLEM There are may problems in _sons and lovers by_ D.H. Lawrence, but the researcher is only focus on the feeling of love expressed by main character in the novel _sons and lovers._ FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM The researcher formulates the problem systematically in the sentences below: What are the characterizations of the main character in the novel _sons and lovers_ written by D.H. Lawrence What are the moral value found in the novel OBJECTIVE OF THE PROBLEM Referring to the formulation of the problem, the objectives of the study are: To describe the characterizations of the main character in the novel _sons and lovers_ written by D.H. Lawrence To describe the moral values found in the novel SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY It is hoped that the result of the study will provide the following significant contributions: To researcher of this research; it will give experiences on the way of analyzing a novel To provide the student of English department of Ahmad Dahlan University To help the students who want to know more about literary works written by D.H Lawrence PRESENTATION OF THE THESIS The study is divided into five chapters. The first chapter consist of background of the study, identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problems, objective of the study, significance of the study, and presentation of the thesis. The second chapter is theoretical framework. The third chapter is about the method of the research. The fourth chapter is discussion. The fifth chapter is conclusion and suggestion. CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK This chapter is divided into six items. They include biography of the author, Character and characterization, theory of the psychological approach, theory of abnormal behavior, theory of Oedipus Complex, and moral value. BIOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHOR David Herbert Lawrence (11 September 1885 – 2 March 1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter who published as D. H. Lawrence. His collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanising effects of modernity and industrialisation. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, and instinct. Lawrence’s opinions earned him many enemies and he endured official persecution, censorship, and misrepresentation of his creative work throughout the second half of his life, much of which he spent in a voluntary exile which he called his â€Å"savage pilgrimage.†At the time of his death, his public reputation was that of a pornographer who had wasted his considerable talents. E. M. Forster, in an obituary notice, challenged this widely held view, describing him as, â€Å"The greatest imaginative novelist of our generation.†Later, the influential Cambridge critic F. R. Leavis championed both his artistic integrity and his moral seriousness, placing much of Lawrence’s fiction within the canonical â€Å"great tradition†of the English novel. Lawrence is now valued by many as a visionary thinker and significant representative of modernism in English literature. CHARACTER AND CHARACTERIZATION THEORY OF CHARACTER Character is the most important part in a story to recognize individual and figure that involved in the story, for it gives both mental and physical feature of individuals of figure (Sujiman, 1992:16). In literary work character can divided into two groups, major and minor character. The major character can further be analyzed into three groups (1) the protagonist, the very central or hero, (2) the antagonist or the enemy (the challenger) of the protagonist, and (3) the companion(s) or the supporter of the protagonist (Subhan, 2002:8). The Protagonist Protagonist is the character which is the very central and crucial character or the leading actor (actress). He or she usually the hero or the heroine that play an important role in the story, all the settings of the relationship will be connected with him or her, his or her frequent appearance in the story, the protagonist appears from beginning of the story until the story, the title of the novel simply represent the name of the protagonist. The Antagonist Antagonist in the novel usually refers to the enemy of the protagonist or the challenger of the protagonist. The companion of the protagonist may function as the lover of the protagonist. In other words, the companion of the protagonist also plays an important role in the story (Subhan, 2002:11-12) THEORY OF CHARACTERIZATION Characterization is one of the elements which develop the work from inside the novel. This element is needed in competition a literary work. Though the characterization, the reader can understand about the individual character whose life is being told by the author. Nurgiyantoro (2002:165) defines characteristic and attitudes of the character life what is interpreted by the reader’s characterization denotes the personality quality. Moreover, based on characterization Subhan (2003) in his book a Guide to Literary Criticism divided characterization in the novel into two groups, namely flat character and round character. Flat character is the character that has unchanging characterization from the beginning to the end of the story. Round character is just the one, which undergoes changes in the characterization in the course of the story (in the beginning the character is good but in the middle or in the end he/she bad, or the beginning he/she bad but in the middle or in the end he/she become good. THEORY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH According to Rohberger and Woods both literature and psychology discusses people and human lives. Although, sometimes they have different point of view, literature discusses man and his life, which the writer expresses through language in the works of literature. Psychology is a study of man’s life, together with his mind and behavior (1971:16-17). Further, Rohberger and Woods said that this approach brings us to analyze the novel from the psychological point of view of human being (1971:13). Guerin says that psychological approach is an excellent tool that is most commonly used as an interpretive tool by modern critics to sow by examples how the reader may apply this mode of interpretation to enhance his understanding and appreciation of literature (1979:13). THEORY OF ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR David sue, Derald Sue and Stanley Sue defines abnormal behavior in their book _Understanding Abnormal Behavior,_ as â€Å"behavior that departs from some norm and is detrimental to the affected individual or to others†(1986:15). Colemen said that the causes of abnormal behavior are divided into two: faulty development and severe stress (1972:135). He also said that the people often find the problems in their life caused by their past life or the experiences they had in the past. For instance, somebody may get difficulty in building a happy marriage because of the hurt he experienced in childhood when his parents did not have happy marriage. In addition according to Sue (1986:37), there are two models of abnormal behavior. They are biogenic and psychogenic models. Biogenic model is a physically cripple. They have a trouble in physical appearance. While there are two major distinguished features of psychogenic models. First, the adult’s disorder is caused by the traumas or anxiety that is experienced by the people during their childhood. Second, the anxieties that happen in childhood operate unconsciously which means that they are repressed through mental defense mechanism. This condition makes people show symptoms which they unable to understand. Supranatiknya in _Mengenal Prilaku Abnormal_ (1995:27-31) add the causative factors in abnormal behavior, namely the psychological and the socio cultural factors. Psychological factors There are five factors that caused of abnormal behavior, first, traumatic experience in the childhood, psychological traumatic leaves scars in a child’s until she or he grows up. When nobody cares about this, the child always remembers it and it will disturb his or her life. Second, psychological trauma is the experience that destroys the sense of security, sense of ability, pride and it will be hard to recover from trauma. Third, parental deprivation, lacks of love from the parents, the parents do not provide the children with love and enough attention in their lives. They do not give them emotional stimulus. Forth, pathogenic relationship between and their parents. It creates a lot of problems and hindrances in their lives, for example, rejections, overprotection, unrealistic demands, over permissive, actions, and pampering action, wrong disciplines, lack of communications and irrational communication and wrong patterns from the parents. The last is pathogenic structure from parents. Family structure can determine the variety of communication among the members. A certain family structure makes an unhealthy communication patterns, and it will influence the emergence of hindrances of the members. Socio cultural Abnormal behavior deviation can cause of socio cultural. For the example, first, war condition. Second, people have to take a kind of duty that enforces him to it, for instance he has to kill somebody in war condition, or to be involved a violent situation. Third, people become the victims in the discrimination based on certain groups or political affiliation. Forth, economics recession and unemployment. THEORY OF OEDIPUS COMPLEX Frudian term about Oedipus complex is drawn from the myth of Oedipus, designating attraction on the part of the child toward the parent of the opposite sex and rivalry and hostility toward the parents of its own. It occurs during the phallic stage of the psycho-sexual development of personality; approximately year’s three to five. Resolution of the Oedipus complex is believed to occur by identification with the parent of the same sex and by the renunciation of sexual interest in the parent of the opposite sex. Freud considered this complex the cornerstone of the superego and the nucleus of all human relationship. Freud in (Nye, 1986:412) points out that â€Å"the most important event during the first five years of life occurs during the phallic stage: the Oedipus complex, because during this stage, the genital organs begins to take considerable importance†. According to Sue (1986:50) during this stage, the incestuous felling for the opposite-sex parent becomes very strong. Frued via Nye (1986:421) argues that his complex is a natural aspect of childhood. It can happen in both sexes. Boys develop a sexual attraction to the mother and want to possesses her and displace the father. It is also happen to the girls. Furthermore, Wolm (1968:72) said that the fear of castration forces the boy to abandon his or her incestuous desire for his mother. The passive attitude conceals an increased fear of and hatred for the father. This resentment toward the father often develops into defiant attitudes against all men authority. The affection for the mother often turns into a dependence relationship, into a passive need to be loved. Over attachment to the mother is feminine component, partial identification with the mother-lay lead, in turn, to a submissive toward women in the future. Oedipus complex that faced by Paul Morel is in a kind of his love toward his own mother. Mrs. Morel is a wonderful figure for Paul. She love all of her children, she spoil them all, especially Paul. Paul relationship with his mother is colored with love and attachment between them. The relationship is not only a relationship between mother and son. They have intimated relationship. Paul attachment to his mother started from his early life and continues on his later life. His live to his mother becomes bigger and stronger. They usually have together in journey like loves. Paul’s love towards his mother has developed since he always finds peacefulness every time he closes to her. Facing the hard conditions of his family in his daily life, Paul wants to find something different that can make him comfortable. Paul can find what he wants from his mother. Paul never dares hurt his mother; his love is big for her. He considers that there is no deepest love that will give to anybody except his other. â€Å"The deepest of his love belonged to his mother. When he felt he had hurt, or wounded his love for her could not bear it†(p.255) For love to his mother, Paul will satisfy if he can do everything that his mother wants from him. It is a way of Paul to express his love and devotion to his mother. Paul love towards his mother can be included as a form of abnormal behavior which is called Oedipus complex in boys. According to Freud (1986), abnormal behavior a boy develops a sexual attraction to the mother wants to possess her and displaces the father. Furthermore, he says that originally, both boy and girl love their father since he can fulfill their needs. This felling does not persist in Paul morel, he tends to prefer his mother and avoid his father, and he has limited interaction with his father because Mr. Morel is cruel in his family. Besides that he also often builds the feel or horror for his children. Paul had bad experiences with his father. He often sees his father hurting his mother. Paul hates because of the misery that his father brings in his family. Therefore, Paul prefers his mother to share his private stories of his day and his mother shares her feeling to him. The warmth that he receives from his mother makes Paul more loving his mother. There is no other woman can enter his private live, his love to is mother is not disturbed. It is one form of Oedipus complex that faced by Paul morel. He even declares to his other that there is no right woman for him except his mother. He acclaims himself to a man of his mother and she is a girl, and they belong each other. He sees himself stuck close to his mother, similar to a man stuck close to his lovers. The effects of abnormal devotion of Oedipus complex Paul morel faced is he feels that his mother’s love is a burden that makes him unable to love another woman. When Paul grows to be an adult, he wants to finds a woman for his life, but his mother interferes in his life relation with the women. He is conscious about his inability to express his love to woman he loves. He afraid that the woman he loves is not the â€Å"right†one for him. He cannot love any women under his mother’s shadow. The other effects of Oedipus complex that faced by Paul morel is Paul become depend on his mother. His dependence grows stronger as seen when his mother dies. Paul spontaneously feels as if he loses his world. He is desperate and frustrated because he loses someone he depends on every much. He is not sure to continue his life without his mother accompanying him. Losing his mother means everything to Paul. There is no longer a place to lie down, to share his story, and to love. He loses the tender touch. He always got during his mother’s life. He considers that his mother the only one who could handle his life. Besides all of the effects of Oedipus complex toward Paul morel stated above, he also growing up as a traumatic man. Paul does not want to get married; he does not have a desire to get married. Even though his mother supports him to get married he still does not want to get married. It causes by his love to his mother. He does not want to leave his mother alone. He wants to accompany her during her whole life. MORAL VALUES After having analyzed the novel carefully there is several points that writer take as moral values. Firstly, Mr. Morel bad attitude toward his family is was bringing bad effect toward his children it make his children hate him so much. Actually as a father Mr. Morel must be a good example for his children not the bad one because it is not good for his children development. Secondly, Mrs. Morel over love, protection and affection toward Paul also bring great effect to Paul personality development he become depend, introvert, and sensitive. The above points show that Paul parents have bad influences in his Oedipus complex. Paul’s father cannot do his role as a father for his children, especially to Paul. Paul’s mother does no her role as a mother in great capacity that then too much for Paul. Paul develops abnormally because of the imbalance of parent’s role. Paul cannot grow up as well as the other children of a normally family who have good parents. So the moral values that can be taken from the novel are parents in play their role toward their child must be in balance portion both of father or mother. It tended to make the development of the children in a normal condition did not have abnormal deviation. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD This chapter is about type of research, subject and object of the study, data collecting method and data analyzing method. TYPE OF RESEARCH This research belongs to the library research because the sources of this research are from libraries. The sources of this research are classified into two parts, namely; main source and supporting sources. The main sources of this research is the novel _sons and lovers by_ D.H. Lawrence. While the supporting sources of this research are many references supporting the main source, such as; books on literature and psychology, journals, and articles from the internet sites. SUBJECT AND OBJECT OF THE STUDY The subject of the study is the novel _sons and lovers by_ D.H. Lawrence that published in in 1913, it consist of 423 pages. The object of this study is love of the main character as a son reflected in _sons and lovers by_ D.H. Lawrence. DATA COLLECTING METHOD Data collecting method used in this research is the library study method. The researcher goes to the library and read some books that have relation to the theme of the research. After finding the sources and read them the researcher makes any necessary notes that are used to support the research. After making a notes, the researcher categorizes the data and make it ready to be analyzed further. DATA ANALYZING METHOD Data Analyzing method of this research is qualitative research. This method is started by statement, quotation, or described by explanation. It is used to give clear description about the study qualitative by choosing, considering, defining, and arranging the fixed data. CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This chapter discusses the research findings and discussion of the novel â€Å"_sons and lovers†._ In this chapter, the researcher presents about three points; the synopsys of novel, the characterization of the main characters, and moral values taken from the novel. The synopsis of Novel Mrs. Morel is a wonderful figure for Paul. She love all of her children, she spoil them all, especially Paul. Paul relationship with his mother is colored with love and attachment between them. The relationship is not only a relationship between mother and son. They have intimated relationship. Paul attachment to his mother started from his early life and continues on his later life. His live to his mother becomes bigger and stronger. They usually have together in journey like loves. Paul’s love towards his mother has developed since he always finds peacefulness every time he closes to her. Facing the hard conditions of his family in his daily life, Paul wants to find something different that can make him comfortable. Paul can find what he wants from his mother. Paul never dares hurt his mother; his love is big for her. He considers that there is no deepest love that will give to anybody except his other. â€Å"The deepest of his love belonged to his mother. When he felt he had hurt, or wounded his love for her could not bear it†(p.255) For love to his mother, Paul will satisfy if he can do everything that his mother wants from him. It is a way of Paul to express his love and devotion to his mother. Paul love towards his mother can be included as a form of abnormal behavior which is called Oedipus complex in boys. According to Freud (1986), abnormal behavior a boy develops a sexual attraction to the mother wants to possess her and displaces the father. Furthermore, he says that originally, both boy and girl love their father since he can fulfill their needs. This felling does not persist in Paul morel, he tends to prefer his mother and avoid his father, and he has limited interaction with his father because Mr. Morel is cruel in his family. Besides that he also often builds the feel or horror for his children. Paul had bad experiences with his father. He often sees his father hurting his mother. Paul hates because of the misery that his father brings in his family. Therefore, Paul prefers his mother to share his private stories of his day and his mother shares her feeling to him. The warmth that he receives from his mother makes Paul more loving his mother. There is no other woman can enter his private live, his love to is mother is not disturbed. It is one form of Oedipus complex that faced by Paul morel. He even declares to his other that there is no right woman for him except his mother. He acclaims himself to a man of his mother and she is a girl, and they belong each other. He sees himself stuck close to his mother, similar to a man stuck close to his lovers. The effects of abnormal devotion of Oedipus complex Paul morel faced is he feels that his mother’s love is a burden that makes him unable to love another woman. When Paul grows to be an adult, he wants to finds a woman for his life, but his mother interferes in his life relation with the women. He is conscious about his inability to express his love to woman he loves. He afraid that the woman he loves is not the â€Å"right†one for him. He cannot love any women under his mother’s shadow. The other effects of Oedipus complex that faced by Paul morel is Paul become depend on his mother. His dependence grows stronger as seen when his mother dies. Paul spontaneously feels as if he loses his world. He is desperate and frustrated because he loses someone he depends on every much. He is not sure to continue his life without his mother accompanying him. Losing his mother means everything to Paul. There is no longer a place to lie down, to share his story, and to love. He loses the tender touch. He always got during his mother’s life. He considers that his mother the only one who could handle his life. Besides all of the effects of Oedipus complex toward Paul morel stated above, he also growing up as a traumatic man. Paul does not want to get married; he does not have a desire to get married. Even though his mother supports him to get married he still does not want to get married. It causes by his love to his mother. He does not want to leave his mother alone. He wants to accompany her during her whole life. CHARACTERIZATION OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS Character is the most important part in a story to recognize individual and figure that involved in the story, for it gives both mental and physical feature of individuals of figure (Sujiman, 1992:16). Protagonist is the character which is the very central and crucial character or the leading actor (actress). He or she usually the hero or the heroine that play an important role in the story, all the settings of the relationship will be connected with him or her, his or her frequent appearance in the story, the protagonist appears from beginning of the story until the story, the title of the novel simply represent the name of the protagonist. Paul is the protagonist of the novel, and we follow his life from infancy to his early twenties. He is good looking, romantic, work hard, and unceasingly devoted to his mother. They are inseparable; he confides everything in her, works and paints to please her, and nurses her as she dies. Paul has ultimately unsuccessful romances with Miriam Leiver and Clara Dawes, always alternating between great love and hatred for each of them. His relationship fails with Miriam because she is too sacrificial and virginal to claim him as hers, whereas it fails with Clara because, it seems, she has never given up on her estranged husband. However, the major reason behind Paul’s break-ups is the long shadow of his mother; no woman can ever equal her in his eyes, and he can never free himself from her possession. After analyzing this novel, the researcher finds some characterization of the main character. They are: GOOD LOOKING Paul is a young man whose physical appearance is handsome. See quotation below: â€Å"Paul made no answer, but passed listlessly in front of his picture and turned towards it. A look joy came into his eyes, as if he had recognized himself for the first time†(Ch II.P.40) ROMANTIC Paul is a romantic person. When he met Clara at the theatre at the first time, he fell in love to her and describe as a beautiful girl. It can be seen in this statement: â€Å"imagine a girl, hardly seventeen years of age, with a little flowerlike face, lips that were like the petals of a rose. She was the loveliest thing I had ever seen†(CH III, P.50) WORK HARD Paul was always work hard to achieve what he wanted. He gave everything he had, his ability, his time to do. It can be seen in this statement: â€Å"I take my half of our final list back to my desk, and I’m about to do a job†CH I, P.15) MORAL VALUES OF THE NOVEL After having analyzed the novel carefully there is several points that writer take as moral values. Firstly, Mr. Morel bad attitude toward his family is was bringing bad effect toward his children it make his children hate him so much. Actually as a father Mr. Morel must be a good example for his children not the bad one because it is not good for his children development. Secondly, Mrs. Morel over love, protection and affection toward Paul also bring great effect to Paul personality development he become depend, introvert, and sensitive. BIBLIOGRAPHY Guerin. 1979. _An introduction Guide to Literature_. New York: Longman. Hornby, A.S. 1985. _Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English_. Great Britain. Oxford University Press. Lawrence, David Herbert. 1993. _Sons and Lovers_. London: reprint in wordsworth classic published. Nye, Robert D. 1986. Three _Psycologies: Perspective from Freud, skinner and Rogers._ California: Brooks/cole Publishing Company. Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 2002. _Teori Pengkajian Fiksi_. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada Press. Rohberger, Mary, and Samuel h. woods, Jr. 1971_. Reading and Writing about Literary_. New York: Random House. Subhan, Bustami. 2002. _Literary Criticism Book One_. Yogyakarta: LPPDMF. _____________ 2003_. A Guide to Literary Criticism._ Yogyakarta: LPPDMF. Sue, David, Derald, Stanley. 1986. _Understanding Abnormal Behavior_. New York: Random House Inc. Sujiman, Panuti. 1992. _Memahami Cerita Rekaan_.bandung: Dunia Pustaka Jaya. Supraktiknya. 1995. Mengenal Perilaku Abnormal. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. CONCLUSION. Based on the analysis from _Sons And Lovers_ by D.H Lawrence, it can be concluded that, first, cause of the onset of Oedipus complex is preceded by a relationship of harmony in the household Mr. Morel and his wife. Disharmony is mainly due to domestic economic problems and habits of husbands who like to consume liquor. Under these conditions the wife turned their concern to his son, the William and Paul. The Oedipus complex which was one of the crucial themes prevalent throughout the novel was particularly evident through the form of dialogue. As Paul talks more to his mother and the readers witness his stream of consciousness one begins to notice the usual lustful and romantic feelings he has for his mother. This fact is compounded by his resentment and hatred of his father. Therefore, D.H Lawrence strategizes his plot and character development in such a way as to advance the thematic elements he wishes to presume within the novel. He cleverly engages the reader through the use of these literary techniques to recognize the motifs and themes being portrayed and an element of imagery is created in the same token.
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