Monday, August 24, 2020
Cultural Diversity Phase Essay Example for Free
Social Diversity Phase Essay In the general public, social decent variety is a clear and become predominant idea wherein it ordinarily influences the social structures and procedures in the general public. This is mostly in light of the fact that social assorted variety altogether cause the general public to be isolated into their particular social minority bunches with their social contrasts filling in as the hole and blocking divider between these gatherings. What's more, social assorted variety additionally has caused certain negative social issues, for example, segregation and mistreatment compounding the trouble of social division. In view of which, the negative part of multiculturalism and the social pressure it has created ought to be adequately tended to. Distinctive social gatherings and organizations are making various advances and ways to deal with overcome any barrier of multiculturalism in each person and social minority. This incorporates social data crusade to instruct the general public about the diverse culture of each gathering to answer the distinctive investigation of every individual along these lines killing the issue of social confusion and misconception. What's more, local gatherings are additionally building up social gatherings and foundations that demand cooperation from various social gatherings allowing them to impart and identify with different gatherings tearing down themselves the dividers made by multiculturalism. These projects and network endeavors are set up to advance correspondence and social contribution of every social minority in the battle to address social solidarity. Multiculturalism in the current society fills in as an obstructing divider consequently, this deterrent must be torn down utilizing intercultural correspondence and social cooperation. Mediation should likewise be done in encouraging helpful ways to deal with guarantee its bit of leeway. With this methodology executed, society all in all eventual one-advance nearer in making an amicable connection between socially differentiated social gatherings. List of sources Parekh, Bhikhu (2006). Reexamining Multiculturalism: Cultural Diversity and Political Theory. Palgrave Macmillan. Second Edition.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Creating a culture of Customer Care Essay
1. Great client care is imperative for the accomplishment of the middle as the organizations achievement rotates around the clients, without the clients there would be no business. The advantages for the matter of good client care are †* It increases a constructive notoriety (which implies that individuals will spread through informal exchange that they got superb client support and will prescribe the business to their loved ones) * Creates a customer base ( Builds a connection between the customer and the business) * Repeat Business (Customers will be so satisfied with the high caliber of the administration gave to them that they will return later on and prescribe the business to loved ones. The advantages to the staff are †* Incentives/rewards ( for their difficult work, promise to the organization and giving amazing client care to clients) * Job security/advancements/less settlements and redundancies ( As the customer base extends, the chief of the business may elevate individuals because of their difficult work or furnish them with employer stability. The advantages for the client are †* Satisfaction (The client would be content with the item or administration gave by the business and feel like an esteemed client, they would the arrival to the business and assemble a relationship with the business, along these lines bringing about them feeling a specific dependability to the business and buying from them frequently and prescribing them to loved ones. * Aftercare ( If there are any issues with the item, the business can give an answer, for example, a trade, discount, guidance and returns and so on. 2. Interior clients are divisions or associates inside an association that may help or offer data to different offices to help give an item or administration to an outside client. (For example HR, financing, credit control, partners, workers, investors) Outside client is an individual or business who isn't straightforwardly connected to the business and is keen on the business and might want to buy merchandise or administrations from the business. (For example joiner, developer, shopper, understudy) The association between the inside client and outer client is known as the chain of administration. The better you treat your inward clients, the better outside help you will get. 3. The hierarchical structure and the executives most appropriate to supporting successful client care is a shorter and compliment one as it permits a simple progression of correspondence (levels of leadership) there are less individuals to talk with and the possibility of miscommunication if lower than in a tall structure. It will bolster compelling client care as the lower level workers can give direct criticism from the clients to the executives effectively and protests can be managed rapidly and speedily, it will enable the business to improve and develop and the clients will pick up fulfillment as there input will be heard. 4. Strengthening is giving the lower level representatives the activity and capacity to settle on choices all alone without speaking with an administrator or higher positioning worker inside limits. It gives the representative a feeling of intensity and spare the workers upsetting bosses and pulling them from their significant obligations. It can expand benefit inside the business and give workers greater duty. Strengthening accomplishes great client support as it enables the workers to settle on choices a high positioned representative would, it gives the worker certainty and authority. It forestalls the client remaining around while the worker talks with a supervisor about a choice that’s to be made and it gives the client confidence in the representative as the worker doesn’t need to counsel a director. All out quality administration is a methodology that looks for development of value and execution which will surpass or coordinate the clients desires. The compliment the hierarchical structure the more engage that representatives will get in this manner giving them a more significant level of duty and dynamic, which calms the supervisors of the assignments of settling on less significant choices. 5. The key factors that will add to magnificent client care inside the guest community are †* (staff that have the information to help and treat clients, have gone to normal instructional classes, are inviting and ready to help) * Feedback structures ( for clients to finish with the goal that the business can perceive how the improve their client assistance so they can endeavor to improve) * Events/Fun days ( to support new customers/guests) * Customer Aftercare (trades, returns and discounts) * Leaflets (cautioning guests of various occasions that will be taking spots) * Following up calls/messages * Product information * Advice on buys The systems that I would recommend for managing protests would be †Let a prepared individual from staff knowledgeable(empathetic, merciful and thoughtful) that manages objections to manage the client. * Log grievance * Apologize for the bother * Propose an answer * Offer pay Eye to eye * Let a prepared individual from staff knowledgeable(empathetic, caring and thoughtful) that manages protests to manage the client. * Take client into a private room ( to furnish them with protection and classification) * Log the grievance * Apologize for the bother * Propose an answer * Offer pay Client Aftercare is the consideration that the client gets after they make a buy (decent or administration) with an organization. Client care incorporates returns, discounts, trade and guarantee. Client Aftercare adds to improving the degrees of consumer loyalty in such a case that the client is unsatisfied about an item or administration that has been given to them, they would them be able to get a discount, trade the products or trade it for another great. They will be happy with the aftercare they have gotten and come back to the business later on as they had a decent encounter. Client aftercare is imperative as it is a piece of client care; it’s the company’s method of demonstrating promise to their client support. Instances of client aftercare are follow up calls, instant messages or online studies, this is crucial to the business as they can accumulate input on client assistance, items, ready clients on up and coming occasions, deals, uncommon offers and measure consumer loyalty. Clients at that point feel like their conclusion matters and feel esteemed.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Learn the Different Types of Harassment in the Workplace
Learn the Different Types of Harassment in the Workplace Everyone is entitled to a safe and healthy working environment. This means that, in addition to the work environment being free from any hazards that might cause physical harm, it should also allow you to work freely, without any kind of harassment from anyone. Different states even have in place laws to safeguard employees against workplace harassment. In spite of this, workplace harassment is still a very common occurrence. To make matters worse, many people are not aware of what qualifies as harassment, and as a result, many instances of harassment go unreported, leading to toxic and unproductive working environments. Workplace harassment is so rampant that, according to a poll by Washington Post and ABC News, more than 33 million women in the US have experienced an instance of sexual harassment in a work environment, which is only one type of workplace harassment.Workplace harassment can be defined as any unwelcome verbal or physical behavior directed towards someone that makes t he working environment abusive, hostile or intimidating for the victim. Harassment also includes situations where the victim has to endure hostile behavior as a prerequisite for continued employment. To make it easier for you to identify and therefore report instances of harassment, we are going to take a look at some of the most common types of workplace harassment. SEXUAL HARASSMENTHave you ever been in a situation where a colleague made a sexual remark about you or requested for sexual favors? You might have let it slide as normal behavior, but if it made you uncomfortable, that was an instance of sexual harassment, and you should have taken action against it. Sexual harassment is one of the most common forms of workplace harassment. For most people, sexual harassment is what comes to mind when workplace harassment is mentioned. Sexual harassment can be defined as harassment that involves sexual conduct, behavior or advances. Is there a colleague that shares unsolicited sexual ma terial (pornography) or views such material at work? Does a colleague make sexual jokes or comments about you or other colleagues? Does he or she ask sexual questions, make sexual gestures, touch others inappropriately or invade personal space in a sexual manner? All these are forms of sexual harassment. Another form of sexual harassment is what is known as quid pro quo sexual harassment. This is where some type of benefit is offered to someone in exchange for some form of sexual activity. This is predominant between senior level and junior level employees, where the senior level employee solicits for sexual activity in exchange for some favors. For instance, your boss asking you to perform a sexual act on them in exchange for a promotion or preferential treatment is an example of quid pro quo sexual harassment. Quid pro quo sexual harassment can also be used for blackmail. According to a survey by CNBC, 19% of adults in America have reportedly experienced sexual harassment at work, with the figure being higher for women compared to men.If you find yourself being harassed sexually, the first thing you should do is to speak up and let the harasser know that their behavior is offensive to you. If they do not put a stop to their behavior, you should report the behavior to your immediate supervisor, or in accordance with your company’s policy for handling sexual harassment claims. If the company is unable to put a stop to the behavior, you should file an administrative charge with the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC), who will then investigate the claim and either attempt to resolve the issue or advise you to sue. DISCRIMINATORY HARASSMENTMost types of workplace harassment fall under this category. Discriminatory harassment involves situations where you are harassed because you belong to a certain minority group within the workplace. Discriminatory harassment is defined not by how it is carried out, but rather by the reason behind the harassment. In the United States, Majority of the types of workplace harassment in this category are prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Below are some common types of discriminatory harassment.Gender HarassmentThis is a type of discriminatory harassment where you are treated in a discriminatory manner because of your gender. While gender harassment is often confused with sexual harassment, the two are different. Gender harassment can happen without any sexual innuendo. For instance, situations where another job applicant is chosen over you because of their gender, despite the two of you being equally qualified and experienced can be termed as gender harassment. Situations where you are denied promotion opportunities because of your gender also constitute gender harassment. Gender harassment might also involve displaying or sharing material (pictures, posters, comics and videos) that are degrading to one gender, as well as making degrading comments or jokes about one gende r’s ability to perform a certain task. Gender harassment is especially predominant in male dominated industries. Gender harassment is so common that 42% of women say they faced gender discrimination at work.Racial HarassmentIf you have worked in an environment where there are people from different races, you have probably witnessed this kind of workplace harassment. Racial harassment occurs in situations where someone is treated differently because they belong to a different race, or because they look different. This usually occurs when the race of the victim is a minority at the workplace compared. Racial harassment takes the form of racial slurs, racial jokes about the victim’s looks, accents, customs, beliefs or ancestry, racial insults, racial intolerance, disgust and degrading or stereotypical comments. Racial harassment creates a hostile working environment for members of the affected race.Religious HarassmentPicture this: the newly hired employee comes to her first day we aring a hijab, only for her to be told that she should not wear hijabs at work. She is also informed that she is expected to be back at her desk by 2 every day, including Fridays, which are her prayer days. While this might seem like normal behavior in the corporate world, it amounts to religious harassment. Religious harassment is closely linked with racial harassment, owing to the fact that different races often have different religious beliefs. However, religious harassment specifically involves showing discriminatory behavior towards someone because of their religious beliefs. This usually occurs in environments where the victim has a different religion from the majority of other employees. Religious harassment takes the form of cruel jokes about one’s religion, pressures to convert from one’s religion, and degrading comments about one’s religion. It also involves intolerance towards the victim’s religious holidays, customs and traditions. Situations where the employer r efuses to accommodate dress codes or prayer observance schedules dictated by the employee’s religion, like in our example above, also constitute religious harassment. If you notice this kind of behavior at work, you should speak up, even if you might not be the victim. Disability HarassmentThis is a type of discriminatory harassment that occurs because of a certain disability. This type of harassment is usually shown towards people suffering from a disability, as well as to people who are acquainted with a disabled person or those who take advantage of disability benefits. Disability harassment may take the form of segregating the victim, failure to accommodate their disability, lack of disability awareness, making jokes about the victim’s disability or making degrading comments about the victim. Failure to give opportunities to someone because of their disability is also a form of disability harassment. For instance, if you are experienced and qualified enough for a promotion b ut get passed over for reasons you believe are related to your disability, you should report it as a case of disability harassment.Sexual Orientation HarassmentDo you identify as gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer? Has someone at work ever said something demeaning or made a crude joke about your sexual orientation? If you answered yes to these questions, then you should have reported that as a case of workplace harassment. This type of discriminatory harassment has not been very common. However, as different sexual orientations are gaining acceptance in society and more people opening up about their sexual orientations, this type of harassment is becoming more prevalent. Sexual orientation harassment is directed to members of the LGBTQ community (Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and queer people). Sexual orientation harassment takes the form of offensive comments and jokes about a person’s sexual orientation, or even directing physically threatening/abusive actions to a pe rson because of their sexual orientation. For instance, a homosexual man might experience this type of harassment when working in the military.Citizenship HarassmentThis is a type of workplace harassment where the victim is harassed because of their citizenship status or because of their nation of origin. For instance, as a migrant, you might be treated unfairly or discriminated against despite being authorized to work within the country. Citizenship harassment might take the form of name calling and stereotyping, making jokes and derogatory comments about a person’s nationality, or unequal treatment when it comes to getting hired, job assignments, or work benefits. In extreme cases, citizenship harassment can even lead to termination of work. In the United States, victims of citizenship harassment are protected by The Immigration and Nationality Act, which makes it illegal for employers to discriminate against employees based on their nation of origin or citizenship status, provi ded they are authorized to work in the United States. Age Based HarassmentThis involves situations where a person is treated in a discriminatory manner because they are within a certain age bracket. This kind of harassment is usually common to workers who are above 40 years. It also happens sometimes to workers who are too young. This type of harassment might take the form of stereotyping the victim, directing insults and teasing statements at them, criticizing them unfairly or even leaving them out of important workplace activities. For people within the 40+ bracket, the aim of this kind of harassment is usually to push the victim into early retirement. For instance, referring to a 40+ male worker as “grandpa†or repeatedly asking him when he is going to retire can be viewed as age harassment. PHYSICAL HARASSMENTThis is a type of workplace harassment that involves threats of physical harm towards the victim. In extreme cases, it might even get to actual physical attacks. Physic al harassment is also referred to as workplace violence. It might be hard to believe that this kind of workplace harassment takes place in today’s modern society, yet it is something that happens commonly. Physical harassment includes behaviors such as making threatening gestures â€" such as shaking your fists angrily at someone â€" physically attacking someone by punching, shoving, slapping or kicking someone, or even destroying property with the aim of intimidating someone. Making gestures that are meant to be offensive, threateningly invading someone’s personal space or playing music with derogatory or offensive language are also forms of physical harassment. Such behaviors don’t have to be directed towards someone in order to be considered as harassment. For instance, playing music with offensive language is considered as a form of physical harassment even if the music is directed at anyone in particular. Similarly, if two employees make offensive gesture while joking with each other, a third employee who sees their gestures can complain of physical harassment. POWER HARASSMENTYou have probably witnessed situations where a boss has used their power to intimidate or coerce low level employees to do something. This is abusive behavior and should be reported as an instance of power harassment. Power harassment occurs in situations where the harasser and the victim hold different levels of power within the organization. Power harassment can be defined as a kind of behavior where someone in a superior position takes advantage of his position to cause physical or emotional distress to employees in a lower position in the office hierarchy. Power harassment can take many forms. Does your supervisor yell at you or criticize you harshly in front of others? Does he belittle your intelligence with the aim of embarrassing you? All these are examples of power harassment. Power harassment also involves situations where bosses provide no work to their subordinates o r work that is below their level, assigning unnecessary work or work that is impossible to do, creating challenging schedules for subordinates, as well as situations where superiors try to intrude into someone’s personal life. PERSONAL HARASSMENTThis is a form of workplace harassment that is based on the personal relationship between the harasser and the victim. Unlike other forms of harassment, personal harassment does not happen because of the victim’s gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, religion, position in the office hierarchy, or anything else that might be a cause of harassment. Instead, it occurs because the harasser is a bully who picks on the victim for any reason. Examples of personal harassment include making offensive jokes and inappropriate comments about someone, personal humiliation, intimidation, performing actions that are meant to get the other person in trouble, gossiping, and so on. The worst part about personal bullying is that it can be very har d to prove, which makes it hard for action to be taken against the harasser. VERBAL/WRITTEN HARASSMENTPeople have different personalities, and in a situation people have to interact with others constantly, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts that result in a mean word being thrown here or there. However, if this becomes a regular thing, then it becomes a form of harassment. Verbal and written harassment is very common at the workplaces and can be very easy to recognize. However, many forms of verbal/written harassment are not illegal, which makes it harder to report or stop the behavior. However, when directed at someone within a protected class, then it becomes illegal. Verbal/written harassment includes actions such as using curse words, shouting or yelling at someone, making demeaning jokes about someone, sending emails, texts or letters with rude slurs, sending emails with offensive content, mimicking someone’s accent in a manner meant to embarrass them, or making di sparaging comments about someone. While you cannot take legal action against some forms of verbal harassment (such as yelling, cursing or making offensive jokes and remarks), you should still make a report to HR if someone is verbally harassing you to the point that the work environment becomes hostile to you.VISUAL HARASSMENTIn many cases, visual harassment does not get reported because it is not directed at anyone in particular. However, it still counts as a form of harassment if it makes another person feel uncomfortable. Examples of visual harassment include viewing pornographic or violent images and videos at work, displaying posters with inappropriate messages, wearing clothes with offensive messages, indecently exposing oneself to colleagues, drawing or showing images with violent, derogatory or sexual undertones, and so on. It’s good to note that sometimes, someone might display or share something without any intention of causing any harassment. Even if majority of workers find the material to be funny or interesting, it still counts as harassment if it makes another worker uncomfortable. PSYCHOLOGICAL HARASSMENTThis is a type of workplace harassment that negatively affects someone’s psychological integrity. Psychological harassment, which is a form of emotional abuse, affects an employee’s dignity and makes them feel undervalued at a professional or personal level. It is often humiliating and is aimed at lowering the victim’s self-esteem. Psychological harassment can be highly damaging. Undermining someone’s psychological integrity can affect other areas of their life, such as their work life, their social life, and in some cases, their physical health. Psychological harassment may make the victim nervous every time they think about coming to work. There even cases where people have committed suicide as a result of psychological harassment. Some examples of psychological harassment include dismissing the victim’s ideas as senseless, denyin g the victim any attention, spreading rumors about the victim, discrediting their achievements or giving no appreciation for their efforts, using harsh words, going against the victim at every possible moment, and so on. ONLINE HARASSMENTToday’s world has become increasingly digital, and businesses have been at the forefront of adopting new technology in order to make operations more efficient. Today, email is the standard means of communication in the corporate world. Departments and groups working on common projects use messaging applications like Slack, Telegram and Whatsapp Groups to easily communicate with each other. Marketing departments rely on social media to create awareness about products. Despite all these advantages, technology has also provided a new platform for workplace harassment. Online harassment refers to situations where the internet and other digital media are used to harass, threaten or maliciously embarrass an employee. Some examples of online harassment i nclude:Spreading rumors or gossip about someone through email, group chats and social media.Sending emails, texts or instant messages with unpleasant undertones to the victim. Spreading viruses to sabotage the victim’s work.Sending threatening emails or messages.Impersonating the victim in online channels and sending messages that would cause a negative response from colleagues. Creating fake online content with the aim of depicting the victim negatively.Sharing offensive or graphic material online. The problem with online harassment is that it can sometimes be hard to catch. For instance, if the harasser has impersonated the victim in online channels, it might be difficult to prove that it was the harasser posting the messages and not the victim. Sometimes, the harasser might also use a medium that the victim seldom uses, thereby spreading false information about the victim without the victim’s knowledge. This means that people need to be very careful in order to spot instances of online harassment. RETALIATION HARASSMENTRetaliation harassment occurs in situations where someone is harassed as a punishment for reporting or standing up to another type of harassment. For instance, if you file a complaint for sexual harassment by your boss and they find a non-existent reason to fire you after you file your complaint, that is an instance of retaliation harassment. Unlike the other forms of harassment, many workers are not aware that the law protects them from retaliation harassment. Retaliation harassment can occur as a result of an employee filing or acting as a witness to an harassment investigation, voicing his voice against ongoing harassment, defying orders they feel are discriminatory, refusing the sexual advances of a colleague or superior, asking to be have a disability or religious practice accommodated, and so on. According to this study, 75% of victims who spoke up experienced retaliation harassment.Examples of retaliation harassment include getting excluded from some activities, getting shifted to a less desirable position or shift, being reprimanded, getting passed over for raises or promotions, having your salary reduced, being subjected to excessive scrutiny, being given lower ratings in performance evaluations, or even termination from work. Therefore, if you find your employer taking any of these actions after you file a complaint for harassment or act as witness in a harassment investigation, this could be retaliation harassment, which you are protected against by law. THIRD PARTY HARASSMENTMany forms of workplace harassment take place between people working within the same organization. The victim is usually harassed by a colleague, a supervisor or a manager. However, there is another form of workplace harassment where the hostile behavior is carried out by a ‘third party’, someone who does not work within the organization but still interacts with employees. The third party could be a supplier, a vendor, a client, or a customer. In most cases, the victims of third party harassment are usually low level employees, such as sales people, cashiers, and so on. Examples of third party harassment include a client constantly flirting with an employee, a customer asking a salesperson who works on commission basis for sexual favors in exchange for business, a customer refusing to work with a certain employee because of the employee’s religious belief or nationality, and so on. Since third party harassment is perpetrated by outsiders, it can be very difficult to spot or stop. However, it is still the employer’s responsibility to stop this kind of harassment against employees.WHAT TO DO IF YOU EXPERIENCE HARASSMENT AT WORKSometimes, you will experience one of the types of harassment discussed above or more. How do you handle it? Below are some steps on how to deal with workplace harassment:The first thing you should do is to speak up and make it clear to the harasser that what they are doing is offen sive and you will not tolerate it. Below are some examples of how to speak up to your harasser:“Don’t touch me.â€â€œI am Sophie. Please avoid calling me sweetie.â€â€œThat makes me feel uncomfortable. Don’t do it again.â€The second thing you should do is to start documenting the incidences of harassment, however minor they might be. Keep a journal of every time the harasser has done something offensive to you. If they have sent offensive texts or emails, keep copies of these. Documenting makes it easier for you in case you decide to report.Have a support system of people you trust and tell them about your ordeal. This way, you will have someone to back you up once you decide to report.If the abusive behavior does not stop even after you speak up, you should consider reporting it to your employer. When reporting, follow your company’s harassment complaint procedure to the letter. Keep copies of your complaint letter and any response you get from the company. If your company does not have any policy on such matters, make a report to HR or to your immediate supervisor.If the behavior continues, consider filing a complaint with the EEOC. The EEOC will investigate your claim and try to get your employer to put an end to the abusive behavior. If they are unable to stop it, the EEOC will then advice you to sue your employer.WRAPPING UPWorkplace harassment is illegal, and it is the responsibility of every employer to ensure that the working environment is safe, healthy and conducive for all employees. As an employee, you should also be ready to take action against any kind of harassment you might face while at work. The first step is to know how to identify situations that constitute harassment. Having read this article, you will hopefully be able recognize different kinds of workplace harassment that might be directed towards you or a colleague. If you notice any of the situations discussed above, you have the right to request your employer to make changes that will put a stop to the behavior. If the employer does not take any action, you should seek legal advice from an employment lawyer, since your right to work in a safe and conducive environment is protected by law.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay on The Vaccines for Children - 2506 Words
Introduction Starting in late 1994, the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program is a major privilege program that provides states with free vaccines for disadvantaged children. These vaccines are supplied by clinics and doctors that essentially register for the VFC program. By providers registering for the program, these clinics and doctors’ offices must conform to certain standards set by VFC as well as the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) (Richard Kent Zimmerman, 2001). Overview of the program The Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program helps providing the appropriate vaccines to children whose parents or caregiver may not necessarily be able to afford or maintain appropriate health care thus having the children miss much†¦show more content†¦The VFC program monitors the success of children by making sure that are able to receive all of the necessary vaccinations. These children have to be in a certain financial class that has them otherwise unable to receive health insurance due to financial constraints of the parent (Katherine Hunting). Providing these effective immunization programs should not depend on modifications within the system before vaccinations are delivered more efficiently to U.S. children and adolescents. The current healthcare policies and practices in all settings result in the botch to distribute vaccines on schedule to many susceptible preschool-age children. This catastrophe is primarily due to obstacles that encumber vaccine distribution and mi ssed prospects during clinic visits. Modifications in policies and practices can instantaneously improve coverage. Policy development is the procedure of making choices as to how to address public issues. Assessment and investigation provide the suggestion groundwork for the expansion of policies that determine which practices to support, how resources need to be allocated, and how efforts should be mobilized to achieve the defined policy goals (Katherine Hunting). Legislative efforts have facilitated to inspire the delivery of immunizations within a patient-centered medical home. Requiring insurance to cover the cost ofShow MoreRelatedVaccines Do Not Blame Vaccines For Children?1271 Words  | 6 Pagesblame vaccines for making people short too? If parents do not blame vaccines on their kids shortness, why blame vaccines for autism?. For years there has been controversy about vaccines causing autism in children. The vaccine scare originally started when there was a report in 1998 on how the MMR vaccine can cause autism, which was later dismissed as false (Rao). The MMR vaccine is a vaccine t hat is used to protect against measles and mumps. Despite the lack of research and proof that vaccines causeRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1404 Words  | 6 Pagesadverse reactions from the vaccines? Today, there are many vaccines, they are in such high demand that even a simple flu has a vaccine. Vaccines are created to protect us. The main function of vaccines it to build our immune system and fight against many bacterias. However, adverse reactions have become severe over the last couple of years, leaving some parents with no child. Therefore, parents shouldn’t be punished for not vaccinating their children because, vaccines can cause many adverse reactionsRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1503 Words  | 7 Pagesawful diseases, while that is the last thing on most of the world’s minds now. Vaccines have transformed human life. Parents should vaccinate their children because it saves lives, the vaccines are safe, and the risks of not vaccinating can harm children more than the vaccines themselves. Vaccines were created in 1796 by Edward Jenner, an English scientist. Edward Jenner formed the Royal Jennerian Institute when vaccines became more popular, but experienced some opposition towards it because of peopleRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1325 Words  | 6 Pages Vaccines are essential to a person’s everyday life and well-being. A person who sneezed in their hand just touched the same door handle that everyone else does. Most people don’t worry that they touched the same item or breathe the same air as someone else because the risk of them contracting a disease such as polio, or diphtheria are extremely low because most people are vaccinated against such diseases. Without the creation of vaccines the population of the world could be completely eliminatedRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1339 Words  | 6 PagesNowadays, there are many vaccines invented by different scientists. Vaccines are so much in demand that even a simple flu has a certain vaccine. They have been invented to protect us. Its main function is to build our immune system and allow it to work against different kinds of bacteria. However instead of helping us fight against infection and certain diseases, vaccines can be the main cause of infection a nd diseases. Because of its live-attenuated organism, which means the pathogens were partiallyRead MoreVaccines Do Not Blame Vaccines For Children?1763 Words  | 8 Pagesblame vaccines for making people short too? If parents do not blame vaccines on their kids’ height, why blame vaccines for autism? For years there has been controversy about vaccines causing autism in children. The vaccine scare originally started when there was a report in 1998 on how the MMR vaccine can cause autism, which was later dismissed as false (Rao). The MMR vaccine is a vaccine that is used to protect against measles and mumps. Despite the lack of research and proof that vaccines causeRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1010 Words  | 5 PagesVaccines Debates have risen lately whether or not to vaccinate children. Although vaccines potentially cause negative side effects, they are a common procedure for most families each year. Over time, several case studies have developed highlighting these side effects and raised concern about whether or not to accept vaccines. However, many people are not familiar with the typical vaccine and what it actually does once inside the body. â€Å"A vaccine is consisted of killed or weakened versions of aRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children914 Words  | 4 PagesVaccines have saved millions of lives since they were first invented hundreds of years ago. But, they continue be a much debated topic among doctors and parents. Their benefits are often disputed because of so-called dangers related to their administration. Although vaccines are extremely effective, parents still have the power to decide if their children will receive them or not. As a result of parents choosing to not vaccin ate their children, others may become ill and government spending increasesRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1400 Words  | 6 Pages Vaccines have changed the life of children with making some illnesses obsolete. The majority of parents are making sure that their children get vaccinated against potentially serious diseases. The parents that get their children vaccinated are trying to prevent the reoccurrence of these deadly illnesses. The problem arises when you have these children that have not been vaccinated around children not of age to get the vaccine for a particular disease. The older children get the disease and giveRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1463 Words  | 6 Pagesnot until 1796 when Edward Jenner revolutionized medical technology, with the first record of vaccines. Vaccines have diminished these diseases going from very common to little or none. Setting requirements on vaccines will not assist the reduction or eliminate them, but will also protect our youth from the wide-spread variety of deadly diseases. Multiple individuals do not truly understand what vaccines are and their true benefits and advantages of receiving them. When an individual gets ill,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Wage Gap Between Men And Women - 1979 Words
Section 1 This bill’s aim is to amend current acts dealing with equal pay and create new ones to continue efforts to prevent/discourage discrimination in the workplace. Section 2 The Congress hereby finds and declares the wage gap in America between men and women is a problem that needs to be addressed and remedied. Should people be paid the same amount and treated the same way as others like them with the same experience and skills? The obvious answer is yes, but a wage gap and an unequal treatment of women in the workplace persist in the United States. As John F. Kennedy believed, the Equal Pay Act he passed in 1963 was the start of fixing this problem. Now, more than 50 years from the passing of the EPA, the situation is better but still needs improvement. The wage of women is still about 78% of men’s. In the workplace, many women can be discouraged from even having a family because there would be no way of having a child and having a secure financial situation at the same time. Problems such as the recent failure to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, the holes in the current Acts, and the political situation in Congress also stagnant the resolution of this problem. In order to rectify these issues, new laws must be enacted to amend previous acts concerning this topic and to introduce policies as well as a new committee to further protect women from discrimination. The first area of problems lies in the workplace. Stereotypes and gender norms persist and willShow MoreRelatedThe Wage Gap Between Men And Women Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pages It is a known fact that women faced inequality in the past, however, it is arguable whether they still face inequality today. When bringing statistics to the table, there is a wage gap between men and women. This is caused by many things. For one, women have tended to exceed men when it comes to education. However, men still tend to receive better jobs with higher pay. This is because gender inequality. There is also inequality inside of the work place. Men tend to receive more promotional opportunitiesRead MoreThe Wage Gap Between Men And Women1552 Words  | 7 Pagesearned by men, which means a wage gap of twenty-two percent. Women are nearly half of the labor pool and are equal if not main, jobholder s in four out of ten households. Not to mention, women receive more college and graduate degrees th an men. Women still coninue to bring in less than men. On average, women earn less than men in basically every profession that there is adequate income data for both women and men to estimate an earnings percentage (IWPR, 2014). The Institution for Women s PolicyRead MoreThe Wage Gap Between Men And Women1337 Words  | 6 PagesMen and women. Even the name of the female gender is derived from the male species. For years, women have been discriminated against in an array of areas such as politics, at home, and in the workplace. The most debated area of gender discrimination is the wage gap between men and women. After reviewing the following facts, it is obvious women are essentially just as valuable as men, and therefore should be treated equally in the workplace. The pay gap between males and females has been a topic thatRead MoreThe Wage Gap Between Men And Women1689 Words  | 7 Pagesthat bothered us, interested us, or something we wanted to learn more about. The first thing I thought of was equal pay between men and women. With the ratification of the 19th amendment, women became legally equal to men. Then in 1963, the Equal Pay Act was passed yet. Yet today, the wage gap between men and women still exists. According to the White House’s official website, women working full time are only earning around 77% of what their male coworkers are earning. This problem is even worse withRead MoreThe Wage Gap Between Men And Women2628 Words  | 11 Pagesissue of the wage gap between men and women in the labor market is currently dealt with in the course of a number of scientific debates, is the subject of public discussion in the broad political and social bodies of the world and different countries have their proposed solutions. The re are also historical conditions of social and emotional ground that appointment and further determine the role models for women and men - now called traditional. The difference in pay between men and women is a trendRead MoreWage Gap Between Men And Women1270 Words  | 6 PagesNow seeing me as a women today being only looked at as the equivalent of a slave is ludicrous (Spiegel, pg. 16). According to Spiegel there are three different explanations of why there was a wage gap between men and women. The three explanations are the women are concentrated in jobs that require less education or skills than men, women might receive lower pay than me for identical work, or women might be doing different work than men, but work that is comparable in term of the training requiredRead MoreThe Wage Gap Between Women And Men2336 Words  | 10 Pagesa look at the wage gap between women and men. It has always been known that men make more money than women. Many acts of legislation have been passed to address the disparities. But as time has progressed this topic is not one that grasps the attention of society. Society feels that there are other more important topics to focus on. The inequities amongst men and women pay has been in effect from the early 1800s and continues on in the new millennium despite, the gains women have made. AndRead MoreReducing The Wage Gap Between Men And Women1213 Words  | 5 Pagesthe gender wage gap. Firstly, this organization firmly believes that raising the minimum wage will positively affect the wage gap between men and women. Averages illustrate that differentiation s among men and women s job selections could be considered for virtually half of the gender pay gap. Increasing the minimum wage will benefit those dedicated women laborers by helping support their families. Two third of mothers are sole providers within their households and these same women are the onesRead MoreThe Gender Wage Gap Between Men And Women986 Word s  | 4 PagesThe gender wage gap. This is an issue that has been kept largely quiet and does not get even half the attention it deserves. The wage gap is simply the deviation in salaries between men and women. This gap in pay is an issue that spans the globe, and effects many people, from struggling single mothers to hard working corporate women. In W.E. Jacob and Laura Finley’s article â€Å"Differences in Pay Rates Between Men and Women do not Prove the Existence of Gender Inequality†attempts to debunk the discriminatoryRead MoreThe Pay Gap Between The Wages Of Men And Women Essay978 Words  | 4 Pagespopular belief, the pay gap between the wages of men and women still exists. According to the Cambridge Business English Dictionary, the wage gap is â€Å"the difference between the ​amounts of ​money ​paid to women and men, often for doing the same ​work†(â€Å"gender pay gap†). The fact that we are still discussing it, especially during the current presidential campaign, proves that fact. The gap has decreased as time passes due to the relentless advocacy of feminists, but the wage gap does still exist. Considering
Dystopia Essay Free Essays
Dystopia is a Utopia gone wrong to create a society that rather than making people happy, makes people unhappy. That is exactly what the town in Fahrenheit 451 had become, a dystopia. The creation of this dystopia was the result of the government fearing the power given to the citizens through the knowledge in books so they took them away. We will write a custom essay sample on Dystopia Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The ban of books formed the dystopia, the people’s fear of being burned for reading made the social principles, and the people who didn’t fear to be burned rebelled and showed their society what was wrong with the way they were living. What started this whole dystopia in the first place was the government’s fear of being overpowered by the citizens who read and gained power from the knowledge they had collected. Because of the government’s fear, books were completely banned and anyone who decided to break the law was burned with the books inside the house. People called the firemen were the ones to start the fire which differs from their former job of putting them out. Everything changed when the books got banned whether it was as simple as people getting an urge to read even if they never wanted to before or as drastic as a worker who once saved people from fires was someone who killed people with fire. Because the penalty was so extreme, the law was followed in most cases and a lot of people were afraid of being burned. The only thing that kept this law in action was the fact that the people were afraid of the consequence which made society obedient as they quaked in fear. Because of the obedience, there always seemed to be routine. Nobody really knew how to feel about it because they didn’t want to know how to feel about it in fear that they would feel negatively towards it and be burned for the thought. The social principles throughout the whole novel, Fahrenheit 451, revolved around the fear of the people and the government as a whole. What really scared the government, however, were the people who were not afraid of the government or the consequences of reading. They were the ones that had the power in knowledge and could see the fault in the society. Rebels in society tried to make everyone see what was wrong but failed. In the novel, they had a plan that worked and put an end to the ban of books using the government’s war to get rid of the rebels against them. What the rebels showed the rest of the town was that the government took away power we had a right to and knowledge we created and were entitled to and that the government took it away from the people so that they would be the only one with power and the citizens were to always be the obedient ones. The realization of the dystopia is what destroyed the government with help from the rebellious ones. Within knowledge comes power and in that power, people are the welders. If you try to take away power that people are given and entitled to, you’re not going to get very far. That’s what happened in Fahrenheit 451 that made it a dystopia. The government took away the power of the people and in the end, society rebelled. Making the novel, Fahrenheit 451, a dystopia. How to cite Dystopia Essay, Essays
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Introduction This work gives an analysis of a small part of the film Nibiru 2032-The End of the World. The work has four parts; the first part is a summary of the storyline of the film; the second part is an analysis of important signs used in the film and their effectiveness in the meaning of the whole film. The third part is a reflection on the target audience, the film’s production and reception context.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nibiru2032-The End of the World specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The production team of this film effectively created an entertaining, yet horrifying film from the recent scientific debate about a meteor, Nibiru, which is slowly moving towards the Earth. Scientists project that this meteor will hit the Earth in the year 2032. The preparedness of the human race for such disasters is what the film mainly questions. The Storyline This scene captures images that show the poss ible state of affairs in case of a meteor hitting the world. This film begins by showing the image of the meteor moving towards the Earth. It then shows a news anchor announcing the news of this meteor to the people. He says, â€Å"Citizens of the world, I bring you news that will be difficult to comprehend†. The director prevents the news anchor from giving details of this news. The news anchor, thus, shifts focus to the city where people unexpectedly see strange things falling from the sky. The falling objects are magma-like substances from the meteor. Everything comes to a stand-still. Cars do not move, and people raise their heads to the sky to see the falling objects. The meteor hits the Earth, bringing down buildings in the cities. People run for their lives, but the magma-like substances drop all over making it impossible to find a place to hide. The hot materials drop like bombshells. They fall in the sea, displacing water towards the land. The displaced water, togeth er with the hot materials, sweeps everything on the ground. The materials bring buildings and every erect thing, including the Statue of Liberty in New York, to the ground. The displaced water goes up to the mountains, covering them everywhere. The hot material also flows and burns everything to ashes. The hot magma and the water destroy everything leaving the Earth bare and lifeless. Analysis of important signs used in the film This film talks about the end of the world as the title suggests. The world ends because of a sudden collision between the Earth and a meteor, Nibiru. The meteor produces hot substances that burn down everything on earth, leaving it lifeless.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The writer of the film applies scientific knowledge. He reminds his audience that things that science teachers teach in schools are not just for learning purposes, but can also happen in real life. He uses the on-going scientific discussion about the possibility of planet X, Nibiru, hitting the earth in the year 2032. Meteors are celestial objects that human beings usually hear about, but never imagine them causing harm. The writer of this film suggests that human beings need to prepare for disaster, rather than just engaging in merry making and assuming that things will always be okay. The director, on the other hand, uses sub-titles that ask the audience where they will be at the time the world will be ending. The director creates a foreboding when he uses solemn soundtracks in the background. The solemn sound intertwines with a bombing sound hinting to viewers that something bad will happen soon. This foreboding, in turn, creates suspense in the audience. It prepares the audience for serious scenes that follow. The foreboding intensifies when the news anchor does not finish his presentation. The director allows him to announce that he has bad news, but does no t allow him give details of the news. The director’s use of sub-titles helps the audience to engage their imagination. The subtitles ask viewers to imagine that they have only three hours to live. They further ask the audience to imagine what they could do, and the closures they could seek. The questions asked by the sub-titles are rhetorical and do not need answers. Rhetorical questions serve the purpose of aiding the viewers’ imagination. Other sub-titles are in the form of television headlines. One of the headlines seen on the television screen declares that there is a meteor headed towards the Earth. This sub-title helps viewers to know that the cause of the end of the world is a meteor that hits the Earth. Reflecting on the Audience, Production and Reception Context The film is a commercial film but does not appeal to everybody. It only appeals to adults and learned members of the audience. This is because the theme it handles is too difficult for children and adu lts who are illiterate to understand. Children will either not see sense in this film, or may be too terrified to watch it. Their little scientific knowledge may also make them think that this film is baseless. This is the same problem the illiterate audience will face. Religious people, on the other hand, will not want to watch it because they will see this as trying to compete with God in determining the end of the world.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nibiru2032-The End of the World specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The first two categories of people may not know the meaning of a meteor. They may also be unaware of the scientific fact that there are other planets and bodies around the Earth. This film, therefore, does not target children, illiterate people and religious people. The film can, however, be used by parents and teachers in teaching their children about the solar system. The production of this film is one of the best. The film required a lot of scientific knowledge during its production. It creates a pictorial presentation of knowledge that has always been theoretical. The production team went to the extent of giving pictures of what look like the real Earth and other heavenly bodies. The sound tracks that accompany these images fit the scenes appropriately. All the sounds used in the film from the beginning to the end are solemn. It is, therefore, possible to understand what the film is about even with minimal human sounds as it is in the film. The sounds communicate the gravity of the catastrophe to the audience without the need for verbal explanation. When this film first appeared in 2012, it led to a lot of controversies. Some critics argued that this film had no basis because Nibiru existed only in the myths of Mesopotamians, but has no scientific backing. Other scholars, however, argued that Nibiru had indeed appeared and even caused the Earth to tilt. This essay on Nibiru2032-The End of the World was written and submitted by user Cailyn Cruz to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
All the College Ranking Lists You Should Read
All the College Ranking Lists You Should Read SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips People love ranking lists. It seems that the majority of articles posted on social media and television shows on basic cable are ranking something, from the prettiest celebrities to the best songs of the 1980's. The fascination with college ranking lists has been around for over 30 years since the U.S. News World Report debuted its list in 1983. There are quite a few college ranking lists out there, but which ones are the best ones? Which ones should you look at? Honestly, all overall college ranking lists are flawed, and you should spend more time researching and visiting colleges than obsessing over college rankings to determine which college you should attend. However, in this article I will detail the pros and cons of different college ranking lists and of college ranking lists in general. You can obtain some worthwhile information from these lists, so you shouldn't completely dismiss them. The Benefits of Using College Ranking Lists From looking at college ranking lists, you can discover colleges you may not have been familiar with that could be a good fit for you. By looking at these lists, you may find a school that matches what you're looking for in a college. College ranking lists provide extensive data in one place for you to compare schools. In one list, you can see statistics for different colleges like average class size, high school GPA, SAT/ACT scores, and cost. Also, these lists give you a rough idea of the reputations of different colleges. While these lists are subjective, they do tend to reflect how colleges are regarded in the academic and professional worlds. There is probably little difference between a #1 and a #5 school in terms of reputation, but the #1 school in a list is going to have a better reputation than #100. Finally, these lists can give you an idea of what you need to do to make yourself competitive for admission to a specific college. These ranking lists often give you the average GPA, standardized test scores, and the percentage of students who graduate in the top 10% and 25% in their high school classes. From these numbers, you can determine what you should accomplish to make yourself a qualified applicant. Your numbers should compare favorably to those of the average student at a particular collegeif you want to give yourself a realistic shot at gaining admission. Why You Should Avoid Basing Your College Decisions on the Rankings Some of the criteria these lists use to compile their rankings are highly subjective and are based on survey responses. "Quality of life" and "academics" can be major factors for rankings and both are often based on opinions from surveys. The primary problem with these survey results is that they don't seem to be representative; they suffer from voluntary response bias and nonresponse bias. For example, Princeton Review ranks colleges in 62 categories. Often, a college alerts the student body that the Princeton Review surveys are available online and then students choose to complete the surveys. Those students who volunteer to take the surveys are likely to not be representative of the student population as a whole. Typically, those who would volunteer have stronger opinions than those of the average student. Similarly, U.S. News World Report determines the academic quality of an institution based on survey responses from top academics and administrators from other colleges and from high school counselors. Are those who choose to respond to the surveys necessarily representative of all college representatives and high school counselors? Some top academics and knowledgeable high school counselors who are sent surveys choose not to submit responses. Additionally, some colleges, like Reed College, may have their rankings affected because they choose not to submit information because they do not want to participate in college ranking lists. Students can get too focused on the rankings instead of figuring out which school is the best fit for them. There's probably not much difference in the quality of education at a #5 school vs. a #10 school. The #10 school may be a much better fit for a student who could excel academically at both. Furthermore, colleges are motivated and influenced by the rankings. Colleges understand that these rankings are popular and influential. They'll spend money on things the lists consider important or aggressively recruit students who have little chance of gaining admission just to raise their selectivity rating to increase their rank. Finally, and perhaps most disturbingly, schools cheat to improve their rankings. Colleges have lied (and probably do lie) when reporting their numbers to college ranking lists to get a better rank. Colleges have cheated to improve their rank. How Should Reputation Factor Into Your College Decision? As much as some of us like to discount the importance of reputation, it can play a significant role. Colleges that are ranked more highly often have more motivated and academically gifted students, and colleges that do well in the rankings tend to have influential alumni and professional connections that can have a positive impact on your future. Similarly, graduates from well-ranked schools are often favored when they apply to professional or graduate schools. Keep in mind that your work ethic and aptitude will have a far greater influence on your future success than the college you attend. You can be highly successful regardless of the college you go to; however, going to a highly ranked school will offer you undeniable advantages. Now, let's take a look at some of the better and more well-known lists. U.S. News World Report The U.S. News college rankings are viewed as the gold standard of college ranking lists. Its list is the most well-known and referenced. Here is a basic overview of how U.S. News determines its rankings: A total weight of 30% is given to factors related to student retention and graduation rates. It gives a 22.5% weight to a school's academic reputation based on survey responses from peer institutions and high school counselors. The remaining 47.5% is devoted to objective statistics about the school including measures of selectivity, faculty information, financial resources, and alumni giving. Pros U.S. News separates colleges into four categories for its rankings: National Universities, National Liberal Arts Colleges, Regional Universities, and Regional Colleges. The categories allow for more direct comparisons and prevent ranking a large public college with 40,000 undergraduate students against a small liberal arts college with less than 1,000. Because U.S. News surveys top academics and college administrators to determine academic reputation, the rankings do provide a general idea of how well regarded a school is in academia. U.S. News rankings heavily emphasize student retention rates and graduation rates. Both are important factors to consider when choosing a college. They provide some clues about the quality of the support services and the student satisfaction level at different colleges Finally, because the U.S. News rankings are the most prestigious of all the ranking lists, they are the most influential and help shape public opinion. The top-ranked schools in U.S. News are generally considered to be the best schools by employers, academics, and admissions committees. Graduation rate is an important factor in the rankings. Cons Not all colleges are ranked in the U.S. News rankings. For the latest rankings, 148 colleges are listed as "unranked" within the four categories of schools. Schools are unranked because they lack regional accreditation, fewer than 200 students are enrolled, they don't use the SAT or ACT in admissions decisions, or they didn't get enough responses on the U.S. News peer assessment survey. Therefore, if you're interested in a very small school or a college that doesn't use standardized tests in admissions decisions, this rankings list won't be very helpful for you. Also, in the U.S. News rankings, there is little emphasis on quality of life. The most important criteria for the U.S. News rankings are the surveys regarding academic quality and the rates for student retention and graduation. This rankings list is less helpful than others in indicating how much students enjoy their experience at a particular college. While I previously mentioned some of the problems with relying on survey responses in U.S. News to determine academic reputation, there is an additional major problem. Many of those who respond to the surveys may not even be qualified to assess the academics at different colleges. The typical respondent grades about half of the colleges in his or her category. There are 262 National Universities. Are respondents knowledgeable enough to evaluate the academic programs of over 100 colleges, or are they simply relying on reputations generated from earlier rankings? Prominent writer Malcolm Gladwell addresses this point in a New Yorker article: (W)henU.S. Newsasks a university president to perform the impossible task of assessing the relative merits of dozens of institutions he knows nothing about, he relies on the only source of detailed information at his disposal that assesses the relative merits of dozens of institutions he knows nothing about:U.S. News...The U.S. News ratings are a self-fulfilling prophecy. Furthermore, the criteria used in U.S. News rankings seem to favor private colleges almost by default while disadvantaging public schools. Private schools often score higher in selectivity because public schools are more focused on being accessible to qualified in-state applicants. Similarly, because private colleges tend to have significantly lower student populations, they can offer smaller classes and their student-faculty ratio is lower. However, public colleges can offer advantages that are not measured nor reflected in the rankings. Public colleges can have larger and more diverse student bodies, more academic programs and majors, and more extracurricular activities. Finally, U.S. News rankings don't directly consider the salaries of graduates nor the likelihood of getting the job you want after graduating. Many people go to college specifically to prepare for a certain career or to get a well-paying job after they graduate. U.S. News rankings may not be as beneficial in helping you to decide which college is most likely to help you reach your professional goals. U.S. News doesn't consider the salaries of graduates. Forbes The Forbes college rankings list is newer and less prestigious than the U.S. News list, but the Forbes list is still very popular and Forbes is considered to be a reputable publication. Forbes emphasizes student outcomes from colleges to determine its rankings. Rankings are heavily dependent on post-graduation success, freshman retention rates, and graduation rates. Here is a general breakdown of the factors that determine the Forbes rankings: A weight of 25% is given to Student Satisfaction, which is determined from student evaluations from (7.5%), freshman retention rates (12.5%), predicted freshman retention rates compared to actual rates (2.5%), and a school satisfaction survey conducted by Forbes via Facebook (2.5%). A full 32.5% of the rankings is based on post-graduate success, which is determined from alumni salary statistics gathered from (10%) and rewarding the alma maters of those who are on the Center for College Affordability and Productivity's America's Leaders List (22.5%). America's Leaders List is composed of people who are at the top of their fields, including Nobel and Pulitzer winners, Guggenheim and MacArthur fellows, those elected to the National Academy of Sciences, and winners of an Academy Award, Emmy, Tony, or Grammy. A weight of 25% is given to student debt, which is determined by average federal student loan debt (10%), student loan default rates (12.5%), and predicted vs. actual federal student loan debt (2.5%). Graduation rate counts for 7.5% of the rankings. Graduation rate is divided into the four-year graduation rate (5%) and the predicted vs. actual four-year graduation rate (2.5%). Finally, academic success makes up the final 10% of the rankings. Academic success is based on students who receive prestigious academic awards like the Rhodes Scholarship (7.5%) and alumni who get PhDs (2.5%). Pros "Student Satisfaction" is an important component of the rankings.The Forbes listmay be more beneficial than the U.S. News list in determining the quality of life at different colleges. Because you'll probably be spending at least four years at the college you attend, you want to not only choose a school that will educate you well and prepare you for your future, but also you want to be happy during those years. You want to enjoy your living environment, your peers, and the time you spend outside of class. By emphasizing post-graduate success, the Forbes list may give you a better indication of the impact of a specific college on your attaining your future professional goals. Finally, the emphasis on student debt in the Forbes rankings separates it from most of the other college ranking lists. By measuring the average federal student loan debt and the student loan default rate, the Forbes list may give you an idea of the affordability of a school, the generosity of a school's financial aid, and whether students are capable of paying back their loans after they graduate. Cons Unlike U.S. News, Forbes does not separate colleges into categories. There is no distinction between the different types of colleges in the Forbes rankings. It's extremely difficult to effectively compare schools that vary tremendously in size, degree options, and research capabilities. Because some of these colleges are so different from one another, it's impossible to determine which school is "better" for everyone. For example, how can you rank Penn State University, which has over 40,000 undergraduates and more than 160 majors against Wesleyan College, which has fewer than 700 undergraduate students and only 31 majors? Additionally, the Forbes list can favor schools that have wealthy student bodies. A college's student debt grade may not reflect the generosity of the school's financial aid or whether students get high-paying jobs after they graduate. Students from affluent families are less likely to have to take out loans and are more likely to be able to pay back loans. Therefore, schools that have more wealthy students are likely to do well in the "student debt" component of the rankings. There is still only a small emphasis paid to the actual student experience. The student satisfaction survey given to students is only a very small component of the rankings. Additionally, information from Rank My Professors is hardly a reliable source to determine how happy students are with their classes at a particular school. Teacher evaluations from Rank My Professors are not representative because they suffer from nonresponse bias. Most students don't use that website. Furthermore,Forbes rankings provide little information about what life is like on campus. Finally, Forbes has a very narrow definition of success. "Student Success" is based on the salary of alumni and whether students obtain prestigious positions and awards. Schools with pre-professional programs in potentially high-paying fields like accounting and business may get a bump in the rankings. That doesn't mean much to you if you're not interested in pursuing accounting or business. Similarly, colleges who have more alumni who go into less lucrative fields like teaching or non-profit work may score poorly in "Student Success." However, that is no indication that a college isn't good or that its alumni aren't successful. Niche Niche is a website that has been around since 2002. It provides rankings and reviews for neighborhoods, cities, and schools. The Niche college rankings are less well-known than those of U.S. News and Forbes. However, the Niche college rankings list does provide some information and advantages that the other ranking lists don't have. Niche rankings are based on the overall experience at traditional 4-year colleges and universities. How does Niche determine the "overall experience" at a school? The academics grade counts for 35% of a school's ranking. The academics grade is based on objective statistics like acceptance rate, SAT/ACT scores, research expenditures, 6-year graduation rate, professor salary index, admissions yield, freshman retention rate, freshman National Merit Scholars, and faculty awards. Additionally, Niche incorporates survey responses from students regarding the quality of academics at their college and statistics and survey responses about diversity on campus to determine the academics grade. Then, 12% of the rankings are based on student survey responses about the overall experience at the college they currently or recently attended. Additional factors that influence the rankings are statistics and student survey responses based on campus quality (8%), loan default rate (6%), athletics (5%), average net price (5%), diversity (5%), local area (5%), endowment per full-time student (4%), "guys and girls" (4%), health and safety (4%), party scene (4%), and private gifts/grants per full-time student (3%). Niche grades colleges' party scenes. Pros Niche relies on many more factors to determine its rankings. The rankings are based on more than 50 statistics and survey responses on 20 topics from almost 300,000 current students and alumni. Niche tries to incorporate every factor that could possibly influence the college experience, from the acceptance rate to the attractiveness of guys and girls on campus. It seems to be a more well-rounded ranking list instead of just using factors that it deems important. Also, the Niche rankings place a much higher emphasis on factors that are related to quality of life. Student survey responses about the quality of the overall experience at the college count for 12% of the rankings. Additionally, Niche gives scores for "campus quality," "athletics," and "party scene." Besides overall college rankings, Niche also provides college rankings in 54 different categories. Some of those ranking lists include "best campus food," "best academics," "best party schools," and "safest campus." You can focus on the ranking lists in categories that are important to you instead of just looking at the overall rankings that may utilize criteria that don't matter to you. Another positive of the Niche rankings is that they incorporate average net price. Net price is the average cost of a school after financial aid for students receiving grants or scholarship aid. Unlike metrics such as average amount of federal loans and loan default rate, net price doesn't favor schools with more wealthy students. Finally, Niche is one of the few ranking lists that factors in diversity in its rankings. Diversity doesn't just refer to the ethnic and racial breakdown of the student body. Niche uses "diversity" to mean that a school "fosters a community that accepts and promotes a diversity of viewpoints, backgrounds, religious beliefs, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic statuses." Also, a diverse school has a significant percentage of international students and students that represent every geographic region of the United States, and the faculty is diverse in terms of gender and ethnicity. Cons Niche is not as well-known asU.S. News or Forbes. Because its rankings are not as prestigious or referenced, they have much less of an impact on the reputations of different colleges. Additionally, because Niche uses many more factors in its rankings, it's likely to use criteria that don't matter to you in a college. You may not be very concerned about a school's party scene, the athletics, or how the girls rank. Those are all factors in the Niche rankings. Final Thoughts Use college ranking lists to determine the reputations of different colleges. The ranking lists do tend to reflect and shape public opinion. While the exact ranking of a school will vary from list to list, the colleges that are consistently ranked highly do offer advantages while you're in college and after you graduate. Browse college ranking lists to discover new colleges that may be a good fit for you. You may not be familiar with Amherst College, Bowdoin College, or Pomona College, but Forbes ranks all three of them within their top 20 colleges. There are literally thousands of colleges, and ranking lists can introduce you to excellent schools that may match what you're looking for in a college. Instead of just looking at overall college ranking lists, pay attention to lists that focus on criteria that matter to you. You can look at lists from Niche that rank schools based on "best technology" or "best food" if you care about those things. Overall college rankings vary from list to list because there are so many factors that go into the college experience, and there is no exact science to determine if one school is better than another. U.S. News ranks the University of Chicago as the #3 National University while Forbes ranks it as the #18 college. Don't get too caught up in the specific ranking of a school. Each list focuses on the criteria that it deems important. When you're looking at a college rankings list, you should also be familiar with how the rankings are determined. Finally, college rankings should only be one small tool you use to help determine your college decision. More important than a college's ranking is figuring out whether or not the school is a good fit for you. Does it have the extracurricular activities you want to pursue? Does the school excel in the academic areas that most interest you? Are there appropriate support services that will allow you to be successful? How's the social climate? Make sure you know how to choose a college. What's Next? Instead of solely relying on ranking lists, use the best college search websites to help you find the right college for you. Also, learn more about the differences between public and private colleges. If you need to improve your grades to help get into the college of your choice, check out this post on how to raise your GPA in high school. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Critiques Definition and Examples
Critiques Definition and Examples A critique is a formal analysis and evaluation of a text, production, or performance- either ones own (a self-critique) or someone elses. In composition, a critique is sometimes called a response paper. When written by another expert in the field, a critique can also be called a peer review. Peer reviews are done to decide whether to accept an article for publication in a scholarly journal or, in an education setting, can be done in groups of students who offer feedback to each other on their papers (peer response). Critiques differ from reviews (these are also different from peer reviews) in that critiques offer more depth to their analysis. Think of the difference between a scholarly article examining a work of literature in a journal (critique) and the kinds of topics that would be covered there vs. a few-hundred-word review of a book in a newspaper or magazine for the lay audience, for readers to decide whether they should purchase it. Compare the term critique with critical analysis, critical essay, and evaluation essay. Critiquing criteria are the standards, rules, or tests that serve as the bases for judgments. Critiquing a Paper A critique starts out with a summary of the topic of the paper but differs from a straight summary because it adds the reviewers analysis. If a critique is happening to the first draft of a paper, the issues brought by the reviewers need to be large-scale issues with the premise or procedure of obtaining the results- in the case of a scientific paper peer review- and arguments, such as flaws in logic or source material and fallacies, rather than be criticisms on a line level (grammar and the like). Ambiguity and irony presented in the paper could be targets as well. The critique is the process of objectively and critically evaluating a research reports content for scientific merit and application to practice, theory, and education, write Geri LoBiondo-Wood and Judith Haber. It requires some knowledge of the subject matter and knowledge of how to critically read and use critiquing criteria. (Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2006) A critique should also point out what works well, not just the flaws in the paper. A critique should emphasize first what the article contributes to the field and then identify the shortcomings or limitations, write authors H. Beall and J. Trimbur. In other words, a critique is a balanced appraisal, not a hatchet job. (How to Read a Scientific Article. In Communicating Science: Professional Contexts, ed. by Eileen Scanlon et al. Taylor Francis, 1998) The Purpose of a Critique Arguments by the reviewer also need to be backed up with evidence. It isnt enough just to say that the paper in question is flawed but also how its flawed and why- whats the proof that the argument wont hold up? It is important to be clear about what a critique is supposed to accomplish, write authors C. Grant Luckhardt and William Bechtel. They continue: A critique is not the same as a demonstration that the conclusion of someones argument is false. Imagine that someone has circulated a memorandum arguing that your company retain your current legal counsel. You, however, are convinced that it is time for a change, and want to demonstrate that....It is important to note here that you can prepare such a demonstration without mentioning any of your colleagues arguments or rebutting them. A critique of your colleagues demonstration, in contrast, requires you to examine the arguments in the demonstration and show that they fail to establish the conclusion that the current legal counsel should be retained.A critique of your colleagues demonstration does not show that its conclusion is wrong. It only shows that the arguments advanced do not establish the conclusion it is claimed they do. (How to Do Things With Logic. Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994) For more information on how to put one together, you may wish to also read How to Write a Response Paper. Self-Critiques in Creative Writing A related term to critiquing used frequently in scholarly Bible study is exegesis, though it doesnt apply only to Bible scholarship. An exegesis (in a creative writing discourse) a scholarly piece of writing with a focus on textual analysis and comparison using literature which relates to your creative writing project. Usually an exegesis is longer than a critique and reads more like a dissertation. There tends to be greater emphasis on your chosen comparative text than on your own creative writing project, with a clear thesis linking the two.The good news is, once you learn how to write a critique on your creative process, you will find that it actually helps you to better understand your creative writing. (Tara Mokhtari, The Bloomsbury Introduction to Creative Writing. Bloomsbury, 2015)
Friday, February 14, 2020
Business simulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Business simulation - Essay Example As such, it is important to involve them in fun activities and make them introduce themselves to one another so that they can break the ice (Dyer & Dyer, 2013). Secondly, I would ensure that each team member develops a common understanding of the various job roles within the new team (Bendaly & Bendaly, 2012). Each team member should be aware of what another member of the team is responsible for (Franz, 2012). Therefore, as everyone thrives to work to their highest standard possible, they should also help their team mates in the same, strengthening the ream spirit of working together (Kayes, 2004). A final strategy of improving the efficiency of the newly formed team would be to set the team goals and create a plan of how to achieve them. I would also conduct regular progress reviews to identify the achieved goals and clarify the responsibilities of each team member towards achieving the set goals (Ditullio, 2010). Having carried out the business simulation, I have gained a lot of experience in the business fields of marketing, strategy, team effectiveness and finance. As such, I believe I can highly contribute to a business team and work effectively towards achieving the set goals and objectives (Lussier & Achuna, 2010). The understanding of the factors that make a business successful makes me a potential team player in your business, and I can add value to it (Cox, 1997). Through the tough work and harsh conditions involved in the business simulation, it is evident that being decisive is a key element towards the success of business (Tracy, 2002). There are times when one is faced with situations in which they have to make prompt decisions that affect the business. These decisions can lead to either success or failure, but they have to be made. It is better to have a wrong decision than a delayed one (Skrabec & Benedict, 2003). The decisiveness of an individual in a business, especially in the
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Trademark Dilution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Trademark Dilution - Assignment Example As a result brand identity is an important part of the company. There comes a time however, when newer companies secure trademarks that are almost identical to those that are already more established. Think of a scenario for instance where two or more schools share the same uniform. This interference with trademarks can be called by different names but the most relevant to the topic we are about to discuss is dilution. Dilution was the subject if great controversy at the time of its founding. The idea is that there are large companies that wish to protect their already established trademarks. Therefore the best thing for them is to support the passing of dilution clauses into law to deny newer entrants the opportunity to try and make money from establishing their trademarks along the standards already set by the established brands. This paper shall seek to study the history and current state of trademark dilution. There shall be case studies that are analyzed so as to show how trademark dilution has evolved through rulings and also legislation. Another important aspect of trademark dilution is whether or not in reality, trademar4ks prevent such uncouth behavior as the industry is trying to prevent. Of course it is one thing to cry foul about trademarks and quite another to establish their effectiveness. The reason why this is the case is primarily because creative departments in companies develop novel means to reciprocate the efforts and products of other companies. Trademark dilution is the United States for instance is a fairly recent phenomenon bearing in mind that the necessary legislation was passed in 1995. That was the year that the Federal Trademark Dilution act was passed. It sought to protect large companies against the ‘gradual whittling away’ of renowned brands by new entrants1. This was an effort to protect big business at the expense of upcoming businesses. This, as the more fashion conscious will note, is a famous fashion brand. The
Friday, January 24, 2020
Production Pit :: Essays Papers
Production Pit Zizek wants to know of Tarkovsky, â€Å"Does his cinematic materialism effectively provide the adequate â€Å"objective correlative†for his narrative of spiritual quest and sacrifice, or does it secretly subvert his narrative?†(254). He looks to Tarkovsky’s writings, which he takes as Russian obscurantist religious mysticism, but ignores the answers already present in Tarkovsky’s film. The basic dynamic he considers is a questioning of the relationship between two given elements of the film, its narrative theme (which Zizek takes as an overall gnosticism, along the theological lines that spirituality demands moving up and away from the body) and its textured visual/aural materiality (which is Zizek’s consideration of the dirt, blending of nature and civilization, and overgrown made world). To critically reassess this acrobatic relation between a filmic quality and a narrative one, I will consider the sole scene and setting of produ ction in action – that late scene in â€Å"The Bell†of plain heavy production. If this scene shows anything, it is production becoming more than a process of manufacture, but always a partially concealed smoky setting with ambiguities of depth and direction. The white smoke that seems present in so many scenes in the film passes through and obscures the thoroughly planned and understood processes that are absolutely crucial to the formation of the Prince’s bell. Water drops down just behind the mastermind of the project, and as Boriska walks right and up he passes the Russian workhorse of a man that seems the muscle of such industrial efforts. A mighty-chested man whose face is obscured by the bowl of water he pours into himself serves not only the Prince of the plot, but as a metonymy for the brute civic engineering that surrounds the decorative/religious world of monastic painters. Just as Tarkovsky’s landscapes are populated with humans, as if just another plant or animal on the horizon, the background, coming in and out of focu s as the image ponders losing its inertia into the workings of the furnace, the sparks, the bellows, and the molten metal that has been riches and will be the bell. Even synthesizer music becomes appropriate, with Andrei’s shoulders and head standing above it all. What we make of these gentle waves of the monastically introverted experience the film tries to get by as isn’t interesting.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Comparison of the Guggenheim Museum, New York and the National Gallery, London
Using the Physical, Economic, Socio-cultural -political and Technological Contexts of Building attack describe and analyze the Guggenheim museum in New York designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in comparing with the National Gallery in London by William Wilkins. Throughout history, galleries have exhibited originative architectural signifier at its best. In fact the architecture of many galleries can be considered to be a piece of art itself. Both the Guggenheim Museum in New York, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and the National Gallery in London, designed by William Wilkins, are indispensable edifices in architectural history. Despite being stylistically in resistance the aim of both these constructions is to expose adult male ‘s extreme originative accomplishments. By comparing and contrasting their economic, cultural, political and historical fortunes, I will analyze the architectural similarities and differences between the National Gallery, a gallery of the nineteenth century and the Guggenheim, a gallery of the twentieth century. The National Gallery and the Guggenheim museum were designed and built in several cultural conditions that immensely influenced their development and building. The art and civilization of 1960 ‘s New York was blossoming into a period of booming Modernism and Minimalism. The Guggenheim Museum presents a brilliant rendering of the architectural manners of its epoch with ‘it ‘s snail- like exterior and coiling incline inside ‘ ( Wilkinson 2009 ) . The Guggenheim separated itself from New York ‘s conventional constructions of ‘skyscrapers and brownstones, of consecutive avenues and rectangular metropolis blocks, this is a construction based on circles and spirals ‘ ( Wilkinson 2009 ) . The Guggenheim museum was built to house the Guggenheim aggregation and was designed to be an iconic museum ‘unlike any other ‘ ( Wilkinson 2009 ) , nevertheless, the National Gallery in London was ab initio built as a position symbol. In the early 19th century, king George IV recognised that art galleries were being built and opened to the populace in legion European metropoliss. In 1824 George Iv, non desiring the state to look inferior, persuaded the English authorities to buy, the first abode of The National Gallery, the house of the merely deceased art aggregator John Julius Angerstein. Angerstein ‘s House was ridiculed by the imperativeness due to the size of the edifice in comparing to other European Galleries of its epoch. Therefore, in 1831 it was determined by Parliament to build a new edifice for the National Gallery on the site of the King ‘s Mews in Charing Cross, on Trafalgar Square. The location of the construction is a important factor for both undertakings. During the eighteenth century there was a huge societal and cultural divide between the citizens of London. The site of King ‘s Mews in Charing Cross, on Trafalgar Square was chiefly selected to enable the National Gallery to be accessed by citizens of all societal categories. Situated between the affluent West End and low-level countries to the E, the location was highly of import to the undertaking. However, due to a barracks and a workhouse being located straight behind the Kings Mews, the site simply allowed the construction to be one room in breadth. Besides the porticoes on the eastern and western surfaces of the facade were erected to let entree to the public right of manner that ran through the edifice significantly impacting its design. On the other manus, Frank Lloyd Wright was clearly displeased by New York being the location for the Guggenheim as ‘to Wright the metropolis was overbui lt, overpopulated, and lacked architectural virtue ‘ ( Drutt 2014 ) . Wright was more accustomed to planing architecture for distant countries of the United States as about all of his old edifices had non been located in the hum of a big metropolis. Nevertheless, Wright decided on the current site of Fifth Avenue between 88th and 89th Streets as its propinquity to Central Park was indispensable. Wright believed that Central Park was every bit near as you could acquire to the natural universe in New York and that it offered a sanctuary from the bunco and hustle of the metropolis. There is a immense contrast in exterior architectural design and manner between the outsides of Wilkins and Wrights constructions. Willard huntington wrights is non merely placed close to the most natural portion of New York but besides draws its inspiration from nature. ‘The Guggenheim Museum is an incarnation of Wright ‘s efforts to render the built-in malleability of organic signifiers in architecture ‘ ( Drutt 2014 ) . The exterior focal point of the museum is a strengthenedconcrete spiral, smaller at the underside and broadening towards the top making a in writing, shell like exterior swirling towards the sky. Wright ‘s construction appears to be reminiscent of an upside-down zikkurat as the shell like outside of this Guggenheim is similar to the consecutive phases of the Mesopotamian temples that day of the month back from the 3rd millenary B.C. This may be due to Rebays petition for Wright to construct a â€Å" temple of the humanistic disciplines â₠¬ as referenced by Jane Turner in the Grove Dictionary of Art, Vol. 33. Or possibly Wright even took inspiration from the Tower of Babel due to the spiritual referencing in his instructions. Furthermore, William Wilkins design besides looks back in clip for inspiration with its neo-classical columnsand stick outing portico. Wilkins construction is influenced by the Classical period of Greek and Roman architecture. This typical manner is clearly present in the galleys munificent portico, a porch taking to the entryway of the edifice covered by a roof held up by columns. The Galleries columns are carved with a fluted ( grooved ) shaft and excessive decorations that flare upwards and resemble leaf and flowers, such as the acanthus leaves, all typical characteristics of a Corinthian column. Wilkins hoped his construction to be a â€Å" Temple of the Arts, fostering modern-day art through historical illustration †. However, the committee was blighted by frugalness and via media and therefore the eventful construction was, about on all histories, considered a failure. Willard huntington wrights edifice, however, was a great success. His apposition of the gyrating focal point with the sweeping canopy that extends above the entryway truly expresses Wright ‘s alone perceptual experience on modernist architecture ‘s rigorous geometry. The inside of these edifices reinforces the architectural manners of their epoch. While the National Gallery was being designed in the early nineteenth century Neo-classical architecture was in manner. The Neoclassic manner consumes this edifice from the high ceilings to the cosmetic trim on the walls, reflecting the regal, classical manner of art work on show in the gallery. Even when sing the edifice today we can still detect the wonderful refined inside informations of the inside of the rotunda. This cardinal characteristic of the edifice reminded me of the Vatican Gallery in Rome with its gold leaved carvings, delicate mosaics and interior Corinthian marble columns, giving this breath taking room a Romanesque feel. On the other manus, the Guggenheims inside is merely every bit dramatic as its outside and is clearly influenced by the bold modern art that was traveling on show in the gallery. The spiral of his exterior construction is mirrored in the built-in 400m coiling rotunda, a kind of modernist version of the colossal staircases found in refined and epicurean American constructions. When planing the Guggenheim, Wright decided to take an unconventional attack to gallery design by taking visitants to the top of the coiling construction in the lift and allow them get down walking down towards the issue of the gallery, forestalling them from holding to.retrace their journey and walk back down the coiling when go forthing. The artworks themselves are displayed in separate sections along the uninterrupted incline, ‘ divided like the membranes in citrous fruit fruit, with self-contained yet mutualist subdivisions ‘ ( Drutt 2014 ) besides comparable to ‘a nautilus shell, with uninterrupted infinites fluxing freely one into another. ‘ ( Drutt 2014 ) . However, some critics have complained that the organic form of the edifice did non accommodate its intent. The coiling stairway forced the visitants to ever see the graphics from an angle an d the walls were reasonably low for a museum blockading several of the pictures from being displayed right. On the other manus, the terrazzo floors o f the unfastened rotunda allows visitants to unambiguously see several subdivisions of work on different degrees and from different angles. Additionally both the Guggenheim and the National Gallery boast a dome on top of their edifices, an architectural design dating back to the epoch of Classical Roman architecture, such as the pantheon. Although both domes are made out of glass to convey visible radiation into the edifices, Frank Lloyd Wright use this big sweep of glass to do the construction experience unfastened to the elements and nature and to farther set up a sense of tranquility in such a helter-skelter metropolis. Time both evolves and takes it ‘s toll on architectural constructions. Both the Guggenheim and the National Gallery have had their just portion of extensions and redevelopments. During the 2nd universe war the gallery sustained serious harm from the London bombardment foraies, go forthing many of the exhibition suites necessitating extended fix. The construction had to finally travel under Restoration when it re-opened after the war, chiefly to reconstruct suites and to take the Tarpaulin and corrugated Fe that had been used as a last resort to replace subdivisions of the roof. In 1965 the Guggenheim was besides renovated, nevertheless, this was non due to damage but to suit the museums spread outing lasting aggregation in the little rotunda. On the other manus, Wrights original program for a tower was n't realized until the Restoration and extension of 1968, finishing Wright ‘s vision 35 old ages after get downing building. The National Gallery besides acquired an extens ion in 1991 designed in by postmodernist designers, Robert VenturiandDenise Scott Brown. This edifice in comparing with the deluxe embroidery of the original construction, was much plainer and simpler taking evident inspiration from Dulwich Picture Gallery. The Gallery was designed to make a focal point by alining the Galleries to make an extending corridor, ornamented with columns that draws the oculus to the focal point. Nevertheless, the monetary value of Waless disliked the extension abundantly and openly made a address comparing it to a â€Å" monstrouscarbuncleon the face of a much-loved and elegant friend †. Furthermore, in 1992 the Guggenheim was renovated once more due to miss of insularity doing condensation jobs. This was fixed by repairing strips of C fiber inside the concrete construction of this edifice to organize an shield of protection. Harmonizing to Robin Pogrebin of the New York Times, due to the hapless quality of building the edifice was ‘stripped of every bit many as 11 beds of pigment, and experts conducted a 17-month study of 1000s of clefts of changing magnitude in the frontage. ‘ Changes in use The Guggenheim Museum and the London National Art Gallery are first-class constructions in their ain right and both represent a turning point in the Architectural history of their civilization and typology.Published: September 10, 2007 New York Times The Restorers’ Art of the Invisibleâ€Å" A address by HRH The Prince of Wales at the hundred-and-fiftieth day of remembrance of the Royal Institute of British Architects ( RIBA ) , Royal Gala Evening at Hampton Court Palace †.
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