Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Wage Gap Between Men And Women - 1979 Words
Section 1 This bill’s aim is to amend current acts dealing with equal pay and create new ones to continue efforts to prevent/discourage discrimination in the workplace. Section 2 The Congress hereby finds and declares the wage gap in America between men and women is a problem that needs to be addressed and remedied. Should people be paid the same amount and treated the same way as others like them with the same experience and skills? The obvious answer is yes, but a wage gap and an unequal treatment of women in the workplace persist in the United States. As John F. Kennedy believed, the Equal Pay Act he passed in 1963 was the start of fixing this problem. Now, more than 50 years from the passing of the EPA, the situation is better but still needs improvement. The wage of women is still about 78% of men’s. In the workplace, many women can be discouraged from even having a family because there would be no way of having a child and having a secure financial situation at the same time. Problems such as the recent failure to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, the holes in the current Acts, and the political situation in Congress also stagnant the resolution of this problem. In order to rectify these issues, new laws must be enacted to amend previous acts concerning this topic and to introduce policies as well as a new committee to further protect women from discrimination. The first area of problems lies in the workplace. Stereotypes and gender norms persist and willShow MoreRelatedThe Wage Gap Between Men And Women Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pages It is a known fact that women faced inequality in the past, however, it is arguable whether they still face inequality today. When bringing statistics to the table, there is a wage gap between men and women. This is caused by many things. For one, women have tended to exceed men when it comes to education. However, men still tend to receive better jobs with higher pay. This is because gender inequality. There is also inequality inside of the work place. Men tend to receive more promotional opportunitiesRead MoreThe Wage Gap Between Men And Women1552 Words  | 7 Pagesearned by men, which means a wage gap of twenty-two percent. Women are nearly half of the labor pool and are equal if not main, jobholder s in four out of ten households. Not to mention, women receive more college and graduate degrees th an men. Women still coninue to bring in less than men. On average, women earn less than men in basically every profession that there is adequate income data for both women and men to estimate an earnings percentage (IWPR, 2014). The Institution for Women s PolicyRead MoreThe Wage Gap Between Men And Women1337 Words  | 6 PagesMen and women. Even the name of the female gender is derived from the male species. For years, women have been discriminated against in an array of areas such as politics, at home, and in the workplace. The most debated area of gender discrimination is the wage gap between men and women. After reviewing the following facts, it is obvious women are essentially just as valuable as men, and therefore should be treated equally in the workplace. The pay gap between males and females has been a topic thatRead MoreThe Wage Gap Between Men And Women1689 Words  | 7 Pagesthat bothered us, interested us, or something we wanted to learn more about. The first thing I thought of was equal pay between men and women. With the ratification of the 19th amendment, women became legally equal to men. Then in 1963, the Equal Pay Act was passed yet. Yet today, the wage gap between men and women still exists. According to the White House’s official website, women working full time are only earning around 77% of what their male coworkers are earning. This problem is even worse withRead MoreThe Wage Gap Between Men And Women2628 Words  | 11 Pagesissue of the wage gap between men and women in the labor market is currently dealt with in the course of a number of scientific debates, is the subject of public discussion in the broad political and social bodies of the world and different countries have their proposed solutions. The re are also historical conditions of social and emotional ground that appointment and further determine the role models for women and men - now called traditional. The difference in pay between men and women is a trendRead MoreWage Gap Between Men And Women1270 Words  | 6 PagesNow seeing me as a women today being only looked at as the equivalent of a slave is ludicrous (Spiegel, pg. 16). According to Spiegel there are three different explanations of why there was a wage gap between men and women. The three explanations are the women are concentrated in jobs that require less education or skills than men, women might receive lower pay than me for identical work, or women might be doing different work than men, but work that is comparable in term of the training requiredRead MoreThe Wage Gap Between Women And Men2336 Words  | 10 Pagesa look at the wage gap between women and men. It has always been known that men make more money than women. Many acts of legislation have been passed to address the disparities. But as time has progressed this topic is not one that grasps the attention of society. Society feels that there are other more important topics to focus on. The inequities amongst men and women pay has been in effect from the early 1800s and continues on in the new millennium despite, the gains women have made. AndRead MoreReducing The Wage Gap Between Men And Women1213 Words  | 5 Pagesthe gender wage gap. Firstly, this organization firmly believes that raising the minimum wage will positively affect the wage gap between men and women. Averages illustrate that differentiation s among men and women s job selections could be considered for virtually half of the gender pay gap. Increasing the minimum wage will benefit those dedicated women laborers by helping support their families. Two third of mothers are sole providers within their households and these same women are the onesRead MoreThe Gender Wage Gap Between Men And Women986 Word s  | 4 PagesThe gender wage gap. This is an issue that has been kept largely quiet and does not get even half the attention it deserves. The wage gap is simply the deviation in salaries between men and women. This gap in pay is an issue that spans the globe, and effects many people, from struggling single mothers to hard working corporate women. In W.E. Jacob and Laura Finley’s article â€Å"Differences in Pay Rates Between Men and Women do not Prove the Existence of Gender Inequality†attempts to debunk the discriminatoryRead MoreThe Pay Gap Between The Wages Of Men And Women Essay978 Words  | 4 Pagespopular belief, the pay gap between the wages of men and women still exists. According to the Cambridge Business English Dictionary, the wage gap is â€Å"the difference between the ​amounts of ​money ​paid to women and men, often for doing the same ​work†(â€Å"gender pay gap†). The fact that we are still discussing it, especially during the current presidential campaign, proves that fact. The gap has decreased as time passes due to the relentless advocacy of feminists, but the wage gap does still exist. Considering
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